Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Group rides to drive up the vote

- By Eplunus Colvin

As the early-voting period comes to an end on Monday, the Political Action Committee of the NAACP is making one last effort to encourage residents of Pine Bluff to get out and vote.

Last Saturday, committee members made their way through Ward 1, joined by Council Member Joni Alexander in a Get Out To Vote Ride Around effort. Led by an escort from the Police Department, the sixcar caravan spent two hours in Ward 1 before completing a drive-thru at the Jefferson County Courthouse.

“I had a lot of mixed emotions about it, but felt good afterward,” said Alexander. “It was the motivation for people who are still actively participat­ing in the community in the voting process.”

Alexander said the group was attempting to energize those who were active in the community but felt discourage­d about going to vote. She said she also felt that more adults needed to participat­e in city government because there is a lack of participat­ion there that affects future generation­s.

“I often hear that people are discourage­d, and they don’t believe in the right to vote as an excuse as to why they don’t, and I don’t

believe in that because my generation doesn’t have it as hard as my grandmothe­r’s generation,” said Alexander. “Rain, sleet or snow, without a vehicle, they were making it to the polls to vote no matter what.”

Alexander said she wants her generation to become motivated and to get active in their communitie­s, add

ing that her generation of voters was not the one responsibl­e for electing her.

“It is kind of like we rebel against the status quo at every level, but we kind of abandon some things that really matter because when you think of voting, everyone thinks of national elections, but your local elections matter also,” said Alexander. “You have a say so in who gets those seats.”

A second Get Out To Vote Ride Around is scheduled for this morning.

The committee will work through wards 3 and 4. Also, at the courthouse, the Urban League of Arkansas will be there to hand out water and snacks to early voters in line.

Alexander said she will go out of her way to encourage the young people to vote so they understand the importance of participat­ing, and when it comes to adults, she hopes they will exercise their civic right and show up at the polls.

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