Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Tech execs say guard up on deceit

Action to halt vote disinforma­tion to continue, senators told

- MARCY GORDON Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Barbara Ortutay of The Associated Press.

WASHINGTON — The CEOs of Twitter and Facebook on Tuesday defended their safeguards against disinforma­tion in the presidenti­al election, and promised Congress that they would take vigorous action for two special elections in Georgia that could determine which party controls the U.S. Senate.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee that they have strong programs in place to protect their platforms from being used to disseminat­e falsehoods or discourage people from voting in the Georgia elections.

“You have an immense civic and moral responsibi­lity,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn. told the executives. He said the actions the companies took to slow the spread of disinforma­tion in the contest between President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden were constructi­ve. But Blumenthal said he was concerned they could let their guard down for the Georgia elections and fail to act against dangerous informatio­n.

“You’ve tried to slow its spread. That’s not censorship,” he said.

But Republican senators, including Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, revived complaints of censorship and anti-conservati­ve bias against the social media platforms and pushed for stripping away some of the protection­s that have shielded tech companies from legal responsibi­lity for what people post.

“I think there’s Republican and Democratic concern about the power that’s being used by social media outlets to tell us what we can see and what we can’t, what’s true and what’s not,” Graham said at the start of the hearing.

Democrats also support curbing the long-held legal shield for tech companies, though for different reasons. They have focused their concern on hate speech and incitement on social media platforms that can spawn violence. President-elect Biden has endorsed restrictin­g the legal immunity for social media platforms under Section 230 of a 1996 telecommun­ications law.

Graham and other prominent Republican senators have refused to knock down Trump’s claims of voting irregulari­ties and fraud, even as misinforma­tion disputing Biden’s victory has flourished online.

Twitter and Facebook have both slapped a misinforma­tion label on some content from Trump, most notably his assertions linking voting by mail to fraud. On Monday, Twitter flagged Trump’s tweet proclaimin­g “I won the Election!” with this note: “Official sources called this election differentl­y.”

Dorsey testified that Twit

ter flagged some 300,000 tweets between Oct. 27 and Nov. 11 for content that was disputed and potentiall­y misleading, representi­ng 0.2% of all U.S. election-related tweets sent during the period.

“We applied labels to add context and limit the risk of harmful election misinforma­tion spreading without important context, because the public told us they wanted us to take these steps,” he said.

Of the labeled tweets, 456 also were covered by a warning message and were limited in how they could be shared. About 74% of the people who viewed those tweets saw them after a label or warning message was applied.

Zuckerberg said Facebook joined with election officials to remove false claims about polling conditions and displayed warnings on more than 150 million pieces of content after review by independen­t fact-checkers. Facebook also prohibited misreprese­ntations about how or when to vote as well as attempts to use threats on the coronaviru­s to scare people into not voting, he said.

Zuckerberg acknowledg­ed that “election interferen­ce re

mains an ongoing threat.”

Zuckerberg and Dorsey promised lawmakers last month that they would aggressive­ly guard their platforms from being manipulate­d by foreign government­s or used to incite violence around the election results.

Facebook moved two days after the election to ban a large group called “Stop the Steal” that Trump supporters were using to organize protests against the vote count. The 350,000-member group echoed Trump’s allegation­s of a rigged election rendering the results invalid.

The GOP majority on the Judiciary panel threatened Zuckerberg and Dorsey with subpoenas last month if they didn’t voluntaril­y agree to testify for Tuesday’s hearing. Republican­s on the Senate Commerce Committee lambasted the two CEOs and Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief executive, at a hearing last month for what they said was a pattern of silencing conservati­ve viewpoints while giving free rein to political actors from countries like China and Iran.

 ?? (AP/Bill Clark) ?? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies remotely Tuesday during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Facebook and Twitter’s actions around the closely contested election.
(AP/Bill Clark) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies remotely Tuesday during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Facebook and Twitter’s actions around the closely contested election.

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