Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

Tom Carmichael, playing with Ari Greenberg, reported a thoughtful defense by Jade Barrett on this deal from the Soloway Knockout at last year’s Fall Nationals in San Francisco.

North’s two-no-trump response showed an intermedia­te hand with both minors.South gambled on game in spades — a practical effort, though one that could have been disastrous facing an unsuitable dummy.

When each West led the heart six (third and lowest) to the ace, both Easts had to decide on a course of action. One cashed the spade ace and returned a heart, then eventually won the spade queen and played another heart. Assuming West had at most six hearts on the lead, this defense could not be necessary to defeat the contract, as declarer would have three hearts and would be unable to take two quick discards, even if they had 7=3=2=1 shape with the singleton club ace.

West surely would have led a singleton club if he had one. And indeed, the defense failed. Even if East had shifted to a diamond at trick six, declarer would have risen with the ace and caught West in a minor-suit squeeze.

By contrast, Barrett played a low spade at trick two. Greenberg won with dummy’s 10, ruffed the club king to hand, then advanced the spade king. When West discourage­d hearts, Barrett won and shifted to the diamond jack, then another diamond when he was in with the spade queen. This extracted the late entry to dummy, breaking up the squeeze, so West had to come to a diamond trick.

ANSWER: This is a good hand for an Unusual Two-No-trump overcall to show both minors. You could easily have a good sacrifice or even a game of your own. Of course, you will not take another action unless forced to do so. It is up to partner now. To overcall two clubs instead would leave you guessing later.A three club call is not absurd, however, and facing a passed partner, you might bid four clubs!

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