Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Georgia race isn’t small


An unpreceden­ted amount of money and attention is pouring into Georgia ahead of the twin runoff elections for the seats now held by Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue, both Republican­s, on Jan. 5. Yet amid the coming flood of campaign ads and carefully crafted messages, only one party is truly communicat­ing the stakes of the election.

It’s the Republican­s.

Now don’t get me wrong—I’m not saying that what Republican­s are saying is honest or even ethical. They’re telling the same lie they did around the country this year: that the Democrats are radical socialists who want to defund the police.

But Loeffler’s central argument isn’t just that Democrats are bad people. It’s that Georgians have to vote against them specifical­ly so that Democrats don’t take control of the Senate. The slogan that begins Loeffler’s attack ads against the Rev. Raphael Warnock is “Save the Senate. Save America.” As one particular­ly vivid ad says, “Raphael Warnock will give the radicals total control. Saving the Senate is about saving America . . . (foreboding pause) . . . from that.”

Perdue has been sending the same message.

“If we win Georgia, we save America,” he told Sean Hannity on Fox News this week. Why, it’s almost as if the message was poll-tested to see what would motivate conservati­ve white Georgians to feel the urgency of voting in the runoff, and coordinate­d by the two campaigns!

But the Democrats don’t bring the question of Democratic control of the Senate to the front of their messaging.

Meanwhile, Republican­s everywhere want to nationaliz­e these races, which is why many of those who will be running for president in 2024 are heading to the state to campaign for Perdue and Loeffler. But Democrats seem spooked by the idea of making this about more than Georgia.

This is, without doubt, a conscious strategy on the part of the Warnock and Ossoff campaigns, and I’m sure they have their reasons. Perhaps they feel that the support Joe Biden got from the suburbs around Atlanta, which helped him win the state, can only be duplicated if it doesn’t seem like too much depends on the outcome—even though that strategy worked in the presidenti­al race, the most consequent­ial contest of any on November’s ballot.

But this is the rare case in which a couple of Senate races really will determine the fate of the country. It’s too bad only one side sees it in their interests to remind voters of how important it is.

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