Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Have to listen to facts


Mike Masterson agonizes over our “disputed” presidenti­al election and the length of time it has taken to count and recount the vote. Could this be because the losing candidate keeps baselessly disputing the results, insisting on recount after pointless recount, and bringing dozens of lawsuits unsupporte­d by any courtroom-worthy evidence of the fraud he alleges? Of course not.

Mike asks why legitimate news sources and government officials haven’t followed up on Patrick Byrne’s theory of cyber vote-switching to Biden’s advantage. Could it be that reputable news sources (even Fox News?), as well as election officials and courts are leery of lending credence to stories with no basis in fact and promoted by OAN, a network known for spreading conspiracy theories and disinforma­tion? Of course not.

There must be some grand conspiracy afoot, and Mike demands a full investigat­ion. While he’s at it, perhaps he should demand extensive investigat­ions into Obama’s birthplace (somewhere in darkest Kenya), the faked moon landing (done on a soundstage), and the alleged spheroid shape of our planet (fake science).

When faced with epic blowback from readers, Mike doubles down with a second column, claiming that he wasn’t using his innuendo-laden piece to cast shade on the legitimate results of a legitimate­ly conducted election, but merely asking some honest, objective questions, that all he wants is the truth. The truth, Mike, is that you need to go out into the world without your tinfoil hat on and listen to facts for a change. David Rauls’ Dec. 8 letter to Voices would be an excellent start.

ALEX MIRONOFF Fayettevil­le

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