Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Don’t want a repeat


We need to reform our election laws to ensure that never again will the general population elect someone like Donald Trump president of the United States of America. Donald is everything we don’t want our children to become. Middle-school students have more maturity than he does. We don’t want foreign leaders laughing at our president. We don’t want a president who will demolish our alliances because of his ignorance of our history. Never again should we elect an ignorant and despicable man president of the United States. (Locking babies in cages! Really?)

I believe a person running for president needs to disclose to the voters his or her college transcript­s. Make that the law, and require the university to post the transcript­s on the Internet for all to see and evaluate. As chief law enforcemen­t officer, the president should also have a law degree. If you were hiring a CEO for your company, you would want to see his college grades. This should be a big factor in your decision. A con artist like Donald Trump would want to hide these from you and probably not run. There will always be plenty of other candidates holding your views from which to choose.

The Treasury secretary should be required by law to post on the Internet all candidates’ income-tax returns for the previous seven years. Liars and con artists would not run. It is hard enough for an honest man to keep from lying on his tax returns, much less for someone like Donald Trump. RUUD DuVALL


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