Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Trying to skew votes


The recent election stirred up concerns about the validity of the election process. In almost every instance, the so-called fraud was a misinterpr­etation of something seen across a room, an overheard conversati­on, or an outright false accusation. Yet, despite the facts, some people are still convinced there was massive election fraud. And so, Rep. Mark Lowery has introduced a bill (HB1112) to remove the sworn statement that allows a voter to forgo the need to produce a photo ID or copy of same. He claims that this will prevent voter fraud.

Failure to produce a photo ID at the polling booth or to include a copy of one’s photo ID in an absentee ballot turns that ballot into a provisiona­l ballot that requires review. The voter’s name, address, date of birth, and signature must match the registrati­on card. If any of that is wrong or missing, the ballot is discarded and no vote is recorded.

If this bill passes, the voter who doesn’t have an ID (never issued or maybe just forgotten on the dresser at home) or the ability to make a copy of an ID (access to a copy machine or printer) will still be able to vote a provisiona­l ballot but then must truck that original ID to the county clerk or the board of election commission­ers before noon on Monday after an election. All the correct informatio­n and matched signatures will be meaningles­s.

Mr. Lowery, don’t you have more important things to do than try to skew elections?


Little Rock

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