Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

1st hearing on riot offers few answers


“Who’s in charge? Who was ultimately responsibl­e for the safety of the Capitol?” Those were the questions asked by Sen. Jon Ossoff, D-Ga., Tuesday after the Senate concluded its first hearing into the breakdowns in intelligen­ce-gathering and security preparatio­ns ahead of the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol. Good questions, and no clear answers emerged from six hours of maddening testimony marked by finger-pointing and blame-shifting. Congress has much more work to do in finding out what went wrong and what needs to be done to prevent a recurrence.

Former Capitol Police chief Steven Sund, who resigned under pressure after the attack, defended his department’s preparatio­ns for Jan. 6, blaming faulty intelligen­ce. “None of the intelligen­ce we received predicted what actually occurred,” Sund told a joint meeting of the Homeland Security and Government­al Affairs Committee and the Rules and Administra­tion Committee. Former sergeants-at-arms for the Senate and House, who were also forced to resign, said they too had expected the protests to be similar to two proTrump events in late 2020 that were far less violent.

None of them, they sheepishly admitted, had seen a Jan. 5 bulletin from an FBI field office in Norfolk, Va., that flagged an anonymous social media threat warning of a violent assault on the Capitol. “Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in… . Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal,” read the document. That breakdown in communicat­ion — the FBI chose to send it by email instead of getting directly in touch with those responsibl­e for guarding the Capitol — needs further investigat­ion. Congress also still needs to find out why there was a delay in dispatchin­g the National Guard even as the Capitol was under attack and Mr. Sund was pleading for help. Why did the Army hesitate? Was the White House interferin­g? Those are questions that need to be answered as the committees continue their probes and other investigat­ions are undertaken.

Despite the contradict­ory recollecti­ons of events, officials agreed on some fundamenta­l facts: The attack was an insurrecti­on planned and coordinate­d by white supremacis­ts and extremists. “These people came with equipment, climbing gear,” Sund said. Acting District of Columbia police chief Robert Contee said attackers used hand signals and coordinate­d their use of such irritants as bear spray. That testimony further demolishes the efforts of some Republican­s to minimize the severity of the attacks, an effort that Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., pathetical­ly tried to advance at Tuesday’s hearing by reading an account that depicted the crowd on Jan. 6 as jovial and cheerful and blamed the violence on “provocateu­rs” and “fake Trump protesters.” Balderdash.

Ultimately responsibl­e for the Jan. 6 attack are former President Donald Trump, his lies and conspiracy theories about a stolen election, and the Republican members of Congress — almost all of them — who refused to challenge those lies. Now, even as Congress begins to investigat­e the shocking effort to derail democracy on Jan. 6, many of them still refuse to call out that lie for what it is.

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