Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email HELOISE

DEAR HELOISE: Recently we had a nasty snowstorm that seemed to paralyze many places here in the southweste­rn United States. Pipes froze, power was out for nearly three days and people were unprepared for snow and ice.

It’s amazing how neighborho­ods banded together to help one another. We had people who went to the houses of elderly people to make sure they had enough to eat, to see if they were OK and see if there was anything they needed. People shared what they had with neighbors who needed a flashlight, batteries, food or, in some cases, shelter. Those of us who had a fireplace were willing to take in those who needed warmth.

I know the world can be a very cold place sometimes, but in a crisis, it warms my heart to know I can count on the kindness of my neighbors and friends. We may not be a perfect country, but in a crisis we work together and, in doing so, we strengthen our unity.

— Shirley N., Helotes, Texas

DEAR READERS: Here are some additional uses for those silica gel packets:

■ Place in a mailbox to ward off dampness.

■ In a camera bag.

■ In a shop drawer where you keep nails, bolts, etc.

■ In plastic bags where you store winter clothing and blankets.

DEAR HELOISE: I learned the hard way to protect my dishes when moving. The movers told me they usually recommend plastic mesh shelf liner, cut into squares and placed between the dinner plates. Coffee filters work well too, and so do paper plates, but never ship your china without something to cushion your dinnerware. I thought since we were moving just 11 miles from our former home to a new place that all would be safe. I was wrong.

— Janet W., Omaha, Neb.

DEAR HELOISE: My husband always laughs at me because I buy paper plates for all sorts of things, not just picnics. I use them for catching spills under a bowl of soup, under the dog’s water bowl, as a spoon rest and more. Then I recycle it when done. — Jeannie K., Elmdale, Ind. DEAR HELOISE: I was at a loss on how to close a big bag of chips while on vacation this past winter. I started to look through drawers and found a 3-inch paper clip that worked well to keep food bags closed. Now I use them all the time.

— Jo Ann P., Skokie, Ill.

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