Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Democrats weigh raising corporate, high-earner taxes


WASHINGTON — Democrats have spent the past several years clamoring to raise taxes on corporatio­ns and the the top income earners, seeing that as a necessary antidote to widening economic inequality and a rebuke of former President Donald Trump’s signature tax cuts.

Now, under President Joe Biden, they have a shot at ushering in the largest federal tax increase since 1942. It could help pay for a host of spending programs that liberal economists predict would bolster the economy’s performanc­e and repair a tax code that Democrats say encourages top income earners to hoard assets and big companies to ship jobs and book profits overseas.

The question is whether congressio­nal Democrats and the White House can agree on how sharply taxes should rise and who, exactly, should pay the bill. They widely share the goal of reversing many of Trump’s tax cuts from 2017 and of making the top income earners and big businesses pay more. But they do not yet agree on the details — and because Republican­s are unlikely to support their efforts, they have no room for error in a closely divided Senate.

For Biden, the need to find consensus is urgent. The president is set to travel to Pittsburgh on Wednesday to unveil the next phase of his economic agenda: a sprawling collection of programs that would invest in infrastruc­ture, education, carbon-reduction and working mothers and cost $3 trillion to $4 trillion.

The package, which follows on the heels of Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic aid bill, is central to the president’s long-term plan to revitalize American workers and industry by funding bridges and roads, universal prekinderg­arten, emerging industries like advanced batteries, and efforts to invigorate the fight against climate change.

Biden plans to finance that spending, at least in part, with tax increases that could raise upward of $2.5 trillion in revenue if his plan hews closely to what he proposed in the 2020 presidenti­al campaign. Aides suggest his proposals might not be entirely paid for, with some one-time spending increases offset by increased federal borrowing.

“I think what you’re going to see is the administra­tion is going to put a pay-for on the table for at least some and maybe all of the infrastruc­ture plan,” said Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va. “If Team Biden makes a proposal, I’m sure we’ll make adjustment­s, but that’s a good way to start.”

Others in his party, including his own transporta­tion secretary, have pushed Biden to explore tax plans he did not campaign on, like taxing consumptio­n, wealth or vehicle miles traveled. Biden has stressed his broadbrush desire to increase the tax burden on the top-earning Americans who largely make their money through inheritanc­e or investment, to fund spending programs meant to help people who earn their money primarily through wages.

“I want to change the paradigm,” Biden said Thursday during a news conference. “We start to reward work, not just wealth.”

Democratic lawmakers have promised for decades to raise taxes on companies and the top earners, a desire that kicked into overdrive after Trump signed a tax-cut package that delivered an outsize share of its benefits to corporatio­ns and high earners. But they have struggled to muster the votes for large tax increases, with business groups, conservati­ve activists, lobbyists and donors across the ideologica­l spectrum largely blocking such attempts.

Liberal economists say this year could be different, thanks to the unique political and economic circumstan­ces surroundin­g the recovery from the pandemic recession. With Biden’s signing of a $1.9 trillion economic relief bill, financed entirely by federal borrowing, forecaster­s now expect the economy to grow this year at its fastest annual clip since the 1980s. Republican­s and some economists have begun to warn of overheatin­g growth spurring runaway inflation, which could reduce the salience of warnings that tax increases would cause growth to stall.

Public polling shows broad support, even among many Republican voters, for raising taxes on large corporatio­ns and high-income individual­s. The most conservati­ve Democrats in the Senate, who hold great sway over Biden’s legislativ­e agenda, say they favor trillions of dollars in infrastruc­ture spending, so long as there is a plan to pay for it.

That includes Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., who told reporters last week that Biden’s infrastruc­ture plan was “going to be enormous” and that its costs needed to be covered. He signaled openness to making changes to the 2017 tax overhaul, adding that the benefits in that legislatio­n were “weighted in one direction to the upper end.”

“Where do they think it’s going to come from? How are they going to fix America?” he said when asked about Republican resistance to tax increases. “I don’t think that’s reasonable.”

Biden plans to finance that spending, at least in part, with tax increases that could raise upward of $2.5 trillion in revenue if his plan hews closely to what he proposed in the 2020 presidenti­al campaign.

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