Arkansas Democrat-Gazette




Editor’s Note: This is a roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked them out.

THE CLAIM: The CEO of Pfizer refuses to get the covid vaccine.

THE FACTS: A video on social media is trying to spread doubt about covid-19 vaccines by falsely claiming Albert Bourla, the chairman and CEO of Pfizer, “refuses” to get the vaccine his company created.

In fact, he has already received two shots. “Albert Bourla received his second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine on March 10, 2021,” Pfizer spokespers­on Faith Salamon said.

Bourla tweeted a photo of him receiving his second shot March 10. “Excited to receive my 2nd dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech#COVID19 vaccine,” his post reads. “There’s nothing I want more than for my loved ones and people around the world to have the same opportunit­y.”

A popular video that includes the false banner, “PFEIZER CEO REFUSES VACCINE,” has been shared thousands of times on Facebook. The name of the company is misspelled and some of the letters in the word “vaccine” have been replaced with an image of a coronaviru­s particle and a syringe.

The video includes a clip of an interview Bourla did with CNBC on Dec. 14, but the video doesn’t note the date. In that interview, host Meg Tirrell asked when Bourla planned to get the shot. In his response, Bourla never refused to get the vaccine — he simply noted that, at the time, it wasn’t yet his turn.

“As soon as I can, I will. The only sensitivit­y here, Meg, is that I don’t want to have an example that I’m cutting the line,” Bourla said, according to the CNBC transcript. He went on to say he was 59, in good health, and not a frontline worker. “My type is not recommende­d to get vaccinatio­n right now,” Bourla said.


THE CLAIM: Vice President Kamala Harris disrespect­ed the military when she failed to salute the military escorts when boarding Air Force Two on March 19 in Georgia.

THE FACTS: After Harris wrapped up her trip to Georgia to meet with grieving members of the Asian American community following a mass shooting, social media users began sharing a video of her boarding Air Force Two claiming she had failed to salute the troops at the base of the stairs.

The video, viewed more than 900,000 times on Twitter, was shared widely by conservati­ve social media accounts in an attempt to paint the vice president as unpatrioti­c and disrespect­ful to service members. “DISGRACEFU­L:@VP Kamala Harris refuses to salute the honor guard at the steps of the aircraft. It is a clear demonstrat­ion of her dislike for those in uniform, both law-enforcemen­t and military,” tweeted Bernard Kerik,

former New York City police commission­er.

While Harris didn’t salute the troops, she is not required to. Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said there is no instructio­n or regulation requiring the president or the vice president to return a hand salute to members of the Armed Forces.

“Vice President Harris has made very clear her respect and admiration for the men and women of the military, as well as their families,” Kirby said.

According to Army regulation, the president as the commander-in-chief is required to receive a salute, but there is no requiremen­t the vice president receive a salute.

“Some are trying to suggest the Vice President lacks respect for our military — this could not be further from the truth,” said Sabrina Singh, deputy press secretary to the vice president.

In addition, Harris has no responsibi­lity to salute the troops. “She has no authority over them according to the Constituti­on,” Richard Waterman, University of Kentucky presidenti­al historian, said. “Her constituti­onal function

is to serve as president of the Senate. Saluting the troops would be an act of courtesy, but this is another example of politics as usual in Washington.”

It’s not the first time a member of the White House has been criticized over saluting service members. Former President Barack Obama made headlines not once, but twice, while in office. In 2013, Obama walked by a service member as he boarded Marine One without a salute, returning a few moments later to shake the guard’s hand.

A year later, he again made headlines when he saluted troops with a coffee cup in his hand as he departed Marine One. Before Obama, critics were also not happy with former President George W. Bush holding his dog, Barney, as he attempted to salute in 2001.

According to historians, Ronald Reagan was the first president to regularly salute troops.


THE CLAIM: “Finally, a judge has ruled Dominion Voting Machines were designed to create fraud.” THE FACTS: No judge

has made such a ruling.

In December, a judge handling a Michigan lawsuit allowed the release of a report containing false claims about a human error in Antrim County and about Dominion Voting Systems election technology, including the unsubstant­iated assertion the company’s machines were designed to create fraud.

The release of that report, which has since been debunked, didn’t amount to the judge endorsing its claims. Social media users spreading the false claim based their arguments on a December article, which covered Michigan 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin Elsenheime­r’s decision at the time to allow the release of a flawed report contained in a lawsuit seeking to challenge Antrim County’s election results.

Elsenheime­r didn’t make a ruling supporting the report’s contents.

The 23-page report — signed by a former Republican congressio­nal candidate with a history of spreading misinforma­tion about Michigan’s election — claimed Dominion was “intentiona­lly and purposeful­ly designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

It claimed the results of the election in Antrim County, Mich., shouldn’t have been certified because a forensic analysis of voting machines found a “machine error built into the voting software designed to create error.”

But that analysis is “critically flawed, filled with dramatic conclusion­s without any evidence to support them,” according to a joint statement from the Michigan Department of State and the Michigan attorney general’s office in December.

Antrim County officials concurred in a news release, saying, “An analysis which should have been data and fact based is instead riddled with false and unsupporte­d claims, baseless attacks, and incorrect use of technical terms.”

Dominion has presented evidence to show its technology didn’t err in Antrim County during the 2020 election. Officials have thoroughly explained the human mistake that caused the small, Republican-leaning county to temporaril­y report unofficial results that reflected a landslide win for Joe Biden.

Former President Donald Trump ultimately won the county with 61% of the vote. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced in early March the state completed more than 250 election audits, all of which “confirmed the integrity and accuracy of the 2020 election.”

In her statement, Benson specifical­ly mentioned the Antrim County audit, saying it found “the Dominion machines used there accurately counted ballots throughout the county.” There’s also no evidence the election technology firm Dominion Voting Systems switched or deleted votes, used algorithms to unevenly weigh vote tallies, colluded with Democrats, or used foreign servers — despite repeated efforts by Trump and his supporters to claim it did.


THE CLAIM: CNN displayed a banner during coverage of the mass shooting in Boulder, Colo., stating the gunman was “factually Arab, but morally white.”

THE FACTS: The network didn’t display such text, according to a CNN representa­tive and a recording of the broadcast.

A manipulate­d screenshot of a CNN broadcast was shared thousands of times on Facebook this week, fooling social media users who didn’t realize it was initially shared as satire.

The fabricated image showed CNN host Brooke Baldwin and correspond­ent Lucy Kafanov in a splitscree­n display, with Kafanov reporting from Boulder at “1:01 p.m. MT.” A banner below the journalist­s read, “DEVELOPING STORY: INVESTIGAT­ION: SHOOTER WAS FACTUALLY ARAB, BUT MORALLY WHITE.”

However, a recording of the same moment on Tuesday in an online TV news archive shows the text on the screen actually read, “COLORADO SHOOTING SUSPECT BOOKED INTO JAIL TODAY.”

Further investigat­ion of the fabricated image shows it originated on the Christian satire website The Babylon Bee. Emily Kuhn, senior director of communicat­ions at CNN Digital Worldwide, confirmed the banner was fabricated and didn’t match the network’s font.

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, the 21-year-old suspect in a Boulder supermarke­t shooting that killed 10 people on Monday, appeared in court Thursday for the first time, and his attorney asked for a health assessment “to address his mental illness.”

According to two law enforcemen­t officials, Alissa was born in Syria in 1999, emigrated to the U.S. as a toddler and later became a U.S. citizen. He would need to be a citizen to buy a gun.

The officials were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to AP on condition of anonymity.


THE CLAIM: Taco Bell is offering $60 and Walmart is offering $75 to customers who share and comment on their posts.

THE FACTS: These offers aren’t real and were posted by accounts impersonat­ing Taco Bell and Walmart, but thousands of Facebook users have shared posts with the claims this week.

“Taco Bell is going to celebrate its 60th anniversar­y on March 24th and In order to help our loyal customers, Every single person who has shared & commented before 5PM Wednesday will be sent one of these boxes containing a $60 Taco Bell gift-card plus surprises that will make your heart flutter!” reads a post from a Facebook page impersonat­ing Taco Bell.

“To celebrate the great news of Walmart becoming plastic bags free by the end of 2021, we are giving one of these Walmart gift-bags to everyone who has shared & commented before 9pm March 24th. Each person who does this will receive one gift bag full of goodies and a $75 Walmart voucher,” reads a post from a Facebook page posing as Walmart.

The posts come from Facebook accounts that at first glance appear to match the name and branding of each company, but actually claim to represent an “unofficial community page.”

Representa­tives from both companies confirmed the posts aren’t real. “We can confirm that webpage is impersonat­ing Taco Bell and does not represent the brand,” Taco Bell’s public relations team said. “The brand is not giving out $60 to everyone who interacts with the post. Taco Bell’s 60th birthday is actually in 2022.”

Casey Staheli, senior manager of national media relations at Walmart, said, “This page is not affiliated with or endorsed by Walmart. We take any fraud impacting our customers seriously and continue to implement and improve upon measures designed to help guard against various consumer scams.” — ALI SWENSON

 ?? (The Denver Post/Helen H. Richardson) ?? Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, appears before Boulder District Court Judge Thomas Mulvahill at the Boulder County Justice Center in Boulder, Colo. A manipulate­d image circulatin­g online has incorrectl­y asserted that CNN displayed a banner during coverage of the mass shooting in Boulder, Colo., stating the gunman was “factually Arab, but morally white.”
(The Denver Post/Helen H. Richardson) Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, appears before Boulder District Court Judge Thomas Mulvahill at the Boulder County Justice Center in Boulder, Colo. A manipulate­d image circulatin­g online has incorrectl­y asserted that CNN displayed a banner during coverage of the mass shooting in Boulder, Colo., stating the gunman was “factually Arab, but morally white.”
 ??  ?? President Joe Biden listens as Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla speaks Feb. 19 at a Pfizer manufactur­ing site in Portage, Mich. Stories circulatin­g online have incorrectl­y asserting the CEO of Pfizer refuses to get the covid vaccine. In fact, he has already received two shots.
(File Photo/AP/Evan Vucci)
President Joe Biden listens as Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla speaks Feb. 19 at a Pfizer manufactur­ing site in Portage, Mich. Stories circulatin­g online have incorrectl­y asserting the CEO of Pfizer refuses to get the covid vaccine. In fact, he has already received two shots. (File Photo/AP/Evan Vucci)
 ?? (AP/Alex Brandon) ?? Vice President Kamala Harris boards Air Force Two upon departure from Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, Ga. Stories circulatin­g online have incorrectl­y asserting Harris disrespect­ed the military when she failed to salute the military escorts when boarding the plane. While Harris did not salute the troops, she is not required to.
(AP/Alex Brandon) Vice President Kamala Harris boards Air Force Two upon departure from Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, Ga. Stories circulatin­g online have incorrectl­y asserting Harris disrespect­ed the military when she failed to salute the military escorts when boarding the plane. While Harris did not salute the troops, she is not required to.
 ?? (File Photo/AP/Wilfredo Lee) ?? A Taco Bell logo is displayed at a restaurant in Miami. Social media posts circulatin­g online have incorrectl­y asserted Taco Bell is offering $60 coupons and Walmart is offering $75 coupons to customers who share and comment on their posts. Representa­tives from both companies confirmed the posts are not real.
(File Photo/AP/Wilfredo Lee) A Taco Bell logo is displayed at a restaurant in Miami. Social media posts circulatin­g online have incorrectl­y asserted Taco Bell is offering $60 coupons and Walmart is offering $75 coupons to customers who share and comment on their posts. Representa­tives from both companies confirmed the posts are not real.

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