Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



8:00 a.m.

(CNN) THE FUNERAL OF PRINCE PHILIP CNN’s live coverage of the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. (N) (Live) (cc)

(MSNBC) REMEMBERIN­G PRINCE PHILIP Coverage of Prince Philip’s funeral. (N) (Live) (cc)

1:00 p.m.

38 AFRICAN AMERICAN SHORT FILMS The Painter; Danger Word; No Time for Love. (cc)

(A&E) BIOGRAPHY: THE NINE LIVES OF OZZY OSBOURNE The singer reflects on his successes, failures, and his unique ability for survival. (cc)

(EWTN) THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SISTER FAUSTINA Helena Kowalska, now known as Blessed Sister Mary Faustina, The Apostle of Divine Mercy.

2:00 p.m.

38 GOSPEL MUSIC PRESENTS The Wardlaw Brothers; Al Johnson; Livre; Mel Holder; Gerald Alston; D. Mcghee; The Kinfolk Project. (cc)

2:30 p.m.


3:00 p.m.

(A&E) JEFF FOXWORTHY: STAND-UP GUY The comic subverts Southern stereotype­s and gives rednecks permission to laugh at themselves. (cc)

4:00 p.m.

(A&E) JEFF DUNHAM: TALKING HEADS Ventriloqu­ist/comic Jeff Dunham’s drive and perseveran­ce keep him at the top of his game. (cc)

5:00 p.m.

42 REMARKABLE WOMEN Choosing Nexstar’s 2021 Remarkable Woman of the Year.

6:00 p.m.

(A&E) CHRIS FARLEY: ANYTHING FOR A LAUGH The comic’s over-the-top stage presence hides insecuriti­es deeply tied to his addictive personalit­y. (cc)

7:00 p.m.

(EWTN) KATERI After witnessing the atrocities of war, an orphaned Mohawk girl becomes a Catholic missionary. (cc)

8:00 p.m.

(CNN) THE PEOPLE V. THE KLAN After a Black teenager, Michael Donald, is found lynched in Mobile, AL in 1981, and local law enforcemen­t fail to apprehend the killers, Donald’s mother Beulah Mae and Black activists fight for an investigat­ion into the local Klan chapter. (cc)

9:00 p.m.

(CNN) THE PEOPLE V. THE KLAN After Beulah Mae Donald’s activism and widespread community pressure re-energizes her son’s case, federal and local investigat­ors race to find Mobile’s Klan chapter and apprehend Michael Donald’s murderers. (cc)

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