Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR HELOISE: Why can’t people use the complete words these days? For instance: “congrats” instead of “congratula­tions,” “refi” instead of “refinance,” “celeb” in place of “celebrity” or “intro” instead of “introducti­on.” There are more such examples, but these come to mind right now.

— Billie M., New Braunfels, Texas

DEAR READER: You bring up an excellent point. Why can’t people use the correct word instead of some abbreviati­on? I’ve wondered if it’s an attempt to sound “cool,” or if it’s a trend that will pass away in time. I know people have become a bit more casual about a great many things these days, but language is a communicat­ion tool, and if you’re using it improperly, how well are you communicat­ing?

DEAR READERS: Some additional uses for those old grapefruit spoons:

■ Core an apple with a grapefruit spoon.

■ Scrape the seeds out of a bell pepper.

■ Use to dig small holes in your garden.

■ Use to scrape gum off a tile floor.

DEAR HELOISE: Have you had someone call and tell you that you’re not taking full advantage of all your Medicare programs? It’s just a scam to get as much informatio­n out of you as they can. They claim they want to verify your Social Security number, address and more, but that’s to get your informatio­n. Don’t hand over any personal or financial data!

Another way they scare you is to say your Social Security number was used in a crime.

I cannot stress enough to never answer your phone unless you know who is calling. Get an answering machine if need be, but be very careful about who you talk to and what they want.

— Glenn D, Washington, D.C.

DEAR HELOISE: These are difficult times, and everyone has his or her own problems and sorrows. However, I received a card from my son who is overseas, and it made my whole day. I can’t help but wonder if others were to get a letter or card from someone they cared about, wouldn’t it brighten their day too? So, I started to write to friends and found it cheered them up too. Maybe it’s time we all got back to correspond­ing by mail with those we miss or care about.

— Helen A., Cody, Wyo. DEAR READER: I agree with you. Sometimes a simple note to say “hello” can brighten another person’s day.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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