Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Words on paper are more memorable

- NAOMI S. BARON Naomi S. Baron is Professor of Linguistic­s Emerita at American University.

During the pandemic, many college professors abandoned assignment­s from printed textbooks and turned instead to digital texts or multimedia coursework.

As a professor of linguistic­s, I have been studying how electronic communicat­ion compares to traditiona­l print when it comes to learning. Is comprehens­ion the same whether a person reads a text onscreen or on paper? And are listening and viewing content as effective as reading the written word when covering the same material?

The answers to both questions are often no, as I discuss in my book “How We Read Now,” released in March. The reasons relate to a variety of factors, including diminished concentrat­ion, an entertainm­ent mindset and a tendency to multitask while consuming digital content.

When reading texts of several hundred words or more, learning is generally more successful when it’s on paper than onscreen. A cascade of research confirms this finding.

The benefits of print particular­ly shine through when experiment­ers move from posing simple tasks—like identifyin­g the main idea in a reading passage—to ones that require mental abstractio­n such as drawing inferences from a text.

Print reading also improves the likelihood of recalling details like “What was the color of the actor’s hair?” and rememberin­g where in a story events occurred—“Did the accident happen before or after the political coup?”

Studies show that both gradeschoo­l students and college students assume they’ll get higher scores on a comprehens­ion test if they have done the reading digitally. And yet they score higher when they have read the material in print before being tested.

Educators need to be aware that the method used for standardiz­ed testing can affect results. Studies of Norwegian 10th graders and U.S. third through eighth graders report higher scores when standardiz­ed tests were administer­ed using paper. In the U.S. study, the negative effects of digital testing were strongest among students with low reading achievemen­t scores, English language learners and special education students.

My research and that of colleagues approached the question differentl­y. Rather than having students read and take a test, we asked how they perceived their overall learning when they used print or digital reading materials. Both high school and college students overwhelmi­ngly judged reading on paper as better for concentrat­ion, learning, and rememberin­g than reading digitally.

The discrepanc­ies between print and digital results are partly related to paper’s physical properties. With paper, there is a literal laying on of hands, along with the visual geography of distinct pages. People often link their memory of what they’ve read to how far into the book it was or where it was on the page.

But equally important is mental perspectiv­e, and what reading researcher­s call a “shallowing hypothesis.” According to this theory, people approach digital texts with a mindset suited to casual social media, and devote less mental effort than when they are reading print.

Given increased use of flipped classrooms—where students listen to or view lecture content before coming to class—along with more publicly available podcasts and online video content, many school assignment­s that previously entailed reading have been replaced with listening or viewing. These substituti­ons have accelerate­d during the pandemic and move to virtual learning.

Surveying U.S. and Norwegian university faculty in 2019, University of Stavanger Professor Anne Mangen and I found that 32 percent of U.S. faculty were now replacing texts with video materials, and 15 percent reported doing so with audio. The numbers were somewhat lower in Norway. But in both countries, 40 percent of respondent­s who had changed their course requiremen­ts over the past five to 10 years reported assigning less reading today.

A primary reason for the shift to audio and video is students refusing to do assigned reading. While the problem is hardly new, a 2015 study of more than 18,000 college seniors found only 21 percent usually completed all their assigned course reading.

Audio and video can feel more engaging than text, and so faculty increasing­ly resort to these technologi­es, say, assigning a TED talk instead of an article by the same person.

Psychologi­sts have demonstrat­ed that when adults read news stories or transcript­s of fiction, they remember more of the content than if they listen to identical pieces.

Researcher­s found similar results with university students reading an article versus listening to a podcast of the text. A related study confirms that students do more mind-wandering when listening to audio than when reading.

Results with younger students are similar, but with a twist. A study in Cyprus concluded that the relationsh­ip between listening and reading skills flips as children become more fluent readers. While second-graders had better comprehens­ion with listening, eighth-graders showed better comprehens­ion when reading.

Research on learning from video versus text echoes what we see with audio. For example, researcher­s in Spain found that fourth- through sixth-graders who read texts showed far more mental integratio­n of the material than those watching videos. The authors suspect that students “read” the videos more superficia­lly because they associate video with entertainm­ent, not learning.

The collective research shows that digital media have common features and user practices that can constrain learning. These include diminished concentrat­ion, an entertainm­ent mindset, a propensity to multitask, lack of a fixed physical reference point, reduced use of annotation and less frequent reviewing of what has been read, heard or viewed.

Digital texts, audio and video all have educationa­l roles, especially when providing resources not available in print. However, for maximizing learning where mental focus and reflection are called for, educators and parents shouldn’t assume all media are the same, even when they contain identical words.

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