Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Patent games


READING deeper into the wire service stories about the covid-19 patent dust-up, we get these beauties:

“Waiving patents won’t speed the manufactur­e of vaccines. The proposal angered the developers who delivered lifesaving doses in record time. But Biden’s decision to support waiving intellectu­al-property rights for coronaviru­s shots had a broader purpose: to broadcast his administra­tion’s commitment to global leadership . . . . ”

“In the best case, officials acknowledg­e it will take at least a year for any additional vaccines to be produced because of the change. With key European leaders adamantly opposed to the waivers, securing the required consensus at the World Trade Organizati­on may never happen . . . . ”

“The specialize­d production, particular­ly of the cutting-edge mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna, would take even longer. Moreover, the matter could become less pressing if vaccine manufactur­ers can produce enough to satisfy internatio­nal demand . . . . ”

“To Biden, White House officials said, that’s largely beside the point, as officials cast the decision as indicative of the president’s efforts to return the U.S. to the position of leadership after four years of unilateral­ism and protection­ism under former President Donald Trump.”

So let’s see if we have this right: The Biden administra­tion proposes to run to the left of Europe, give away somebody else’s private property, knowing it will take a year or longer if the plan actually is implemente­d, which it probably won’t be, and this’ll all probably be moot anyway as more vaccines are produced in regular order, but the administra­tion is sticking to its guns to show President Biden is going to “lead” in a way that Donald Trump did not.

Hold on to your hats. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

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