Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

No longer a Democrat


I just read a letter to the editor about switching from Republican to Democrat. My husband and myself have a similar, yet very different story to tell.

We are both 64 and registered as Democrats when we were 18. After 42 years, when we turned 60, we went to the courthouse, but we changed our party from Democrat to Republican. I will add that my 84-year-old mother, who was also a Democrat all of her life, switched her affiliatio­n to Republican four years ago.

Why did we switch after 42 and 59 years respective­ly? It is simple—the Democratic Party has gone too far left. We do not believe in abortion, open borders or the government controllin­g every aspect of our lives.

As for President Biden versus Senator Scott, President Biden is a career politician who knows just what to say and when to say it. Senator Scott is honest, intelligen­t and not afraid to say what he believes. And I do believe a Black man knows a little more about racism in America than a white man.

As for racism—yes, there is plenty of racism out there. There has been prejudice since the beginning of time, and it would be naïve to believe that there will be a time when there is no prejudice. We may not like to admit it, but every one of us is prejudiced about something. I am Hispanic and can relate many instances of prejudice to myself and to my fellow Hispanics over my lifetime, and I grew up in New Mexico, which has a high Hispanic population. Yet I don’t believe there is systemic racism now. The United States has come a long ways in that department—for the better. I have lived long enough to remember how things were when I was young and how they are now. I can remember my parents’ generation talking about how things were when they were growing up and how things are now. I can say that we Americans are basically good people, despite our shortcomin­gs.

I am happy with the Republican Party. I do not regret my decision to switch one iota.



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