Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Hail Capitol officers


I, like many others, have been closely following the investigat­ions related to Jan. 6, 2021. It is appalling to hear all the insensitiv­e comments being made by the Republican members of the House and Senate. Members don’t want to give commendati­ons to the brave policemen and women who fought, and some who died, to protect the representa­tives.

The other day, I heard about another officer who committed suicide. Many are fighting with PTSD.

This reminds me of what happened to the members of the military who were treated so badly upon returning from Vietnam. These brave individual­s were not honored, nor treated for the mental problems they suffered. I served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Vietnam conflict. Although as a female Marine I did not see conflict personally, I did see the effects. These courageous individual­s were spat on and denigrated when returning to the country they fought to protect.

The police officers must be feeling every bit as confused after Jan. 6. They fought hard to protect the Capitol, some even giving their lives, and they are being told that the events of that day were “just like any other day” and that “these were just tourists.” I was not brought up to smash windows to gain entrance to a building, nor to beat an individual with the flag that flies over our great country. Tourists that I know do not defecate on the floors of a building they are visiting.

Let’s not make the same mistakes we did after Vietnam. Let’s honor all those who were willing to or did give their lives. Thank them when you see them. Even though our politics may not be the same, remember what they were willing to give for this great country.



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