Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Pelosi seeks inter-party harmony

Speaker suggests vote to make way for infrastruc­ture bill

- COMPILED BY DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE STAFF FROM WIRE REPORTS Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Alan Fram of The Associated Press and by Billy House of Bloomberg News (WPNS).

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is proposing a procedural vote this month that would set up future passage of two economic measures crucial to President Joe Biden’s domestic agenda, a move Democratic leaders hope will win votes from unhappy party moderates.

In a letter Sunday to Democratic lawmakers, Pelosi, D-Calif., suggested that the House will take a single vote that would clear an initial hurdle for both a budget resolution and a separate $1 trillion package of road, railway and other infrastruc­ture projects. The budget blueprint would open the gate for Congress to later consider a separate, $3.5 trillion, 10-year bill for health, education and environmen­t programs.

Pelosi’s offer seeks to satisfy at least nine moderates who have been threatenin­g to unravel plans for moving Biden’s agenda through Congress. Even so, such a vote would appear fall short of the group’s demand to Pelosi last week for an immediate passage of the infrastruc­ture bill, which is the top priority for moderates, who want to bank a quick win by sending it to Biden for his signature.

By forcing the House to vote on moving both measures an initial step forward together, Democratic leaders hope moderates will be forced to abandon their threat — at least for now — and join the rest of the party in pushing its economic and social agenda toward eventual passage.

With the narrow House Democratic majority, Pelosi can’t lose more than three votes from her party against anticipate­d Republican opposition. There was no immediate response to Pelosi’s offer from a spokesman for Rep. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, one of the moderates leading the pressure on Pelosi and her lieutenant­s. Some other Democratic members of the fiscally conservati­ve Blue Dog Coalition have similarly told Pelosi that they want a quick vote on the infrastruc­ture bill, though in less demanding language.

Bolstering the social safety net, combating climate change and creating jobs rank atop Biden’s and Democrats’ priorities. A defeat, especially at this early stage, would be deeply wounding to the party’s legislativ­e goals and a political blow ahead of next year’s midterms.

As if to drive home that point, Pelosi wrote, “We will proceed in a way that builds consensus in our Caucus, promotes the values of our party and advances the President’s transforma­tive vision to Build Back Better,” the collective name for Biden’s plans.

She pointedly added, “These bills will be the biggest and most consequent­ial initiative­s that any of us have ever undertaken in our official lives.”

Even so, her party is divided.

Progressiv­e Democrats’ No. 1 goal is approval of $3.5 trillion worth of spending boosts and tax cuts for health care, education, social safety net and climate change programs. Much of it would be paid for by raising taxes on wealthy individual­s and large corporatio­ns.

Passing the budget resolution is pivotal because that would shield the subsequent $3.5 trillion bill from Republican Senate filibuster­s, or delays, that would kill it.

The House and Senate hope to each have their own version of that huge measure ready by mid-September and to approve a final package quickly after that, but that may be optimistic. Even once the budget resolution passes, moderates’ and progressiv­es’ clashing priorities will assuredly resurface during work on that follow-up bill, and Democratic leaders’ task of lining up the near-unanimous support they’ll need won’t be easy.

Democratic moderates, including many from swing districts who face dicey prospects in next year’s elections, think that bill’s price tag is too high and are nervous that the GOP will pound them with campaign accusation­s of backing tax increases. Because of that, progressiv­es fear that moderates would oppose the $3.5 trillion bill if the House first approved the infrastruc­ture legislatio­n.

To retain leverage on the moderates, Pelosi has repeatedly said the House won’t vote on the infrastruc­ture bill until the Senate passes and sends the House the $3.5 trillion measure.

Asked Sunday if Pelosi might drop her strategy of holding back on infrastruc­ture until the social and environmen­t bill is ready, spokesman Drew Hammill said, “There’s no change in her position.”

The chamber will also vote that week on revised legislatio­n addressing federal oversight of many states’ election laws, Pelosi wrote, another Democratic priority. That measure seems likely to pass the House but get bogged down in the 50-50 Senate.

Pelosi praised the Senate’s infrastruc­ture measure, but suggested the House might not rubber-stamp it.

She said that legislatio­n is not “inclusive of the totality of President Biden and Congressio­nal Democrats’ vision to Build Back Better.” She said House lawmakers “are reviewing the bill.”

 ?? (AP/Nick Otto) ?? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks Tuesday at a press event regarding the Emergency Rental Assistance program in San Francisco.
(AP/Nick Otto) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks Tuesday at a press event regarding the Emergency Rental Assistance program in San Francisco.

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