Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Wrist rolls a simple, inclusive warm-up exercise

- MATT PARROTT Matt Parrott is glad to hear from readers. Send him questions or share a story about your pandemic workouts at

Resuming an exercise program can be psychologi­cally daunting. Individual­s understand the sacrifices they must make in order to achieve progress, so there’s an element of anticipato­ry anxiety that can accompany such an undertakin­g. This week, I will share some psychologi­cal tools to help overcome this feeling and I’ll also share an exercise that’s ideal for a program restart.

Anxiety creeps into the small cracks of self-doubt like a corrosive agent. When people stop exercising, their self-doubt cracks get deeper and wider with each year that passes. They feel less capable, more intimidate­d and are better at convincing themselves that they cannot be successful.

By the way, this phenomenon is not isolated to physical activity. It can happen with any type of behavior change, whether it’s smoking cessation or nutritiona­l adjustment. As humans, we experience feelings of self-doubt that prevent us from achieving our goals. It’s normal, and it’s OK to admit that.

There are many strategies for overcoming clinical anxiety that involve psychother­apy, medication, etc. Those go beyond my scope of practice, and I won’t pretend to understand chronic, clinical anxiety treatment modalities. But I can comfortabl­y discuss strategies for overcoming anxiety related to behavior change, as I have not only studied the science behind them — but I’ve put them into practice with thousands of clients.

The Theory of Planned Behavior states that people are most likely to change their behavior when they intend to do so. This may sound obvious, but many people have no intention of starting an exercise program anytime soon. This group is nearly impossible to recruit into a program, simply because they haven’t decided to engage in the behavior. To use a real-life example, a wife purchasing a gym membership for her husband (who has no intention of exercising) is not likely to create the ideal conditions for behavior change.

So, the first step is deciding that it’s time for a change. Once that piece is done, it’s about creating the social and physical conditions that support healthy behaviors. Find an exercise buddy, buy some new tennis shoes and carve out some time in the schedule. These are all preparator­y behaviors that help to create an environmen­t where change can grow and flourish.

One of the most helpful psychologi­cal tools is understand­ing that a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. I have prescribed programs with as little as five minutes of walking on their first day. That’s it — they walked for five minutes, stretched and went home. The idea is to start at a level where the individual can feel a sense of accomplish­ment and then build upon it a little more each day.

This week’s exercise is a great example of that. Wrist rolls are a simple warm-up activity that are appropriat­e for new exercisers or fitness veterans, so the movement is incredibly inclusive by nature.

1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

2. Interlock the fingers of your right hand with the fingers on your left hand.

3. From here, roll your wrists in figure 8 patterns by rotating them and flipping them left over right, then right over left.

4. Continue for 15 repetition­s, 2 sets.

Wrist rolls are a great way to begin or end an exercise session. This exercise stretches out the forearm extensors and flexors with a very small movement. It’s a great opportunit­y to quiet the mind, stretch the forearms and visualize success. Enjoy!

 ?? (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Celia Storey) ?? Josh Holt, fitness director of Little Rock Racquet Club, demonstrat­es Wrist Rolls, turning his wrists to create fluid figure-8s.
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Celia Storey) Josh Holt, fitness director of Little Rock Racquet Club, demonstrat­es Wrist Rolls, turning his wrists to create fluid figure-8s.
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