Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Vaccine essential for nursing homes


President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that covid-19 vaccinatio­ns would be required of nursing homes staff as a condition for the homes to receive Medicare and Medicaid funding. It was a smart use of federal leverage that especially benefits Florida, where the vaccinatio­n rate among nursing home employees is 46% — the second-worst in the country, leading only Louisiana at 45%. And it’s a critical step to better protecting nursing home residents.

While Gov. Ron DeSantis has lauded his administra­tion’s response to covid among vulnerable seniors, Florida is 48th among the 50 states in the percentage of nursing home residents who are fully vaccinated, sitting at 72%. This rate bests only Arizona at 71% and Nevada at 69%.

The lag in vaccinatio­ns and the surge of the more highly-infectious delta variant come as Florida has been particular­ly hard hit in recent weeks by an increase in cases and deaths among both nursing home residents and staff. For example, according to the most recent data available for the week ending Aug. 15, Florida accounted for more than 25% of all new infections of nursing home residents in America, a rate more than four times the national figure. And the deaths of 52 nursing home residents in Florida that week was more than double the national rate. In other words, the most vulnerable in Florida are still vulnerable.

The lesson is that more staff and residents alike need to get the vaccine. Biden’s new policy will push more nursing homes to do the right thing, but valuable time has been lost. Vaccinatio­n rates among nursing home staff have barely budged for months, reflecting the work Florida faces in getting inoculatio­ns up to speed. Residents need to get the message, too. Going without a vaccine in these group settings is an invitation to tragedy.

And while rare, breakthrou­gh infections occur, and seniors appear especially at risk. Nearly 75% of the 8,054 cases of breakthrou­gh infection involving hospitaliz­ation or death reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through Aug. 9 involved patients aged 65 years or older. This is a big gap to plug in Florida’s covid response.

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