Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Divided Democrats returning to House


WASHINGTON — House Democrats are preparing to take the first steps today toward adopting a roughly $3.5 trillion spending plan that would enable sweeping changes to the nation’s health care, education and tax laws, but rifts among party lawmakers threaten to stall the package’s swift advance.

The stalemate by now is well known: Nine moderate or conservati­ve Democrats have rebelled against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,

D-Calif., and the party’s progressiv­e wing, threatenin­g to block a decision on the reconcilia­tion blueprint necessary to allow the $3.5 trillion social policy measure championed by the party’s left flank to pass with only Democratic backing unless the House immediatel­y votes on the bipartisan infrastruc­ture bill. A broader coalition of 19 socalled Blue Dog Democrats also wants the infrastruc­ture vote to come as soon as possible.

Without those nine lawmakers, Pelosi and her progressiv­e allies do not have the votes to adopt the budget in the face of sustained, unanimous GOP opposition. But the speaker may not be able to accede to their demands, either, since the nearly 100 members who belong to the party’s Congressio­nal Progressiv­e Caucus previously signaled they would withhold their votes on infrastruc­ture until Congress completes work on its budget. That includes both the outline set for a vote this week as well as the final reconcilia­tion package, as liberals seek to maximize their political leverage and ensure their priorities don’t fall out of a final deal.

The Senate adopted both packages before departing for recess earlier this month.

Despite wide-ranging support for some of the new spending, the party’s liberal and centrist wings remain at odds over how exactly to proceed, raising the potential for defections that Democrats simply cannot afford.

The clamor for a quick victory on infrastruc­ture, both for congressio­nal Democrats and President Joe Biden, has only grown louder amid the anguish over Afghanista­n. Democratic leaders hope to pass a rule tonight for debating the budget measure, the infrastruc­ture bill and an unrelated voting-rights bill, with final votes scheduled for Tuesday.

“Our country desperatel­y needs this direct reinvestme­nt in our crumbling infrastruc­ture. We also desperatel­y need to prove our dysfunctio­nal government can actually work,” said Rep. Ed Case of Hawaii, one of the nine Democrats at odds with the party’s leaders.

Even if the party does ultimately come together, however, some Democrats acknowledg­ed this weekend the spat has lasting significan­ce — foreshadow­ing potential further clashes as lawmakers translate their budget into fuller legislatio­n still to come.

“Is getting there going to be easy? No,” said Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., the deputy vote counter for the Congressio­nal Progressiv­e Caucus, which has opposed the moderates’ demands. “It’s going to be a challenge. I’m confident we’ll get it done, but there are going to be curveballs and obstacles along the way.”


The budget blueprint encompasse­s many of Democrats’ most cherished policy promises from the 2020 campaign, including pledges to expand Medicare, rethink immigratio­n and spend new sums to combat climate change. Its adoption this week would inch Congress closer to delivering on Biden’s broader economic agenda.

Some of its most defining elements mirror proposals Biden put forward earlier this year as part of his jobs and families plans — and echo commitment­s that Democratic lawmakers say had helped them capture majorities in Congress during the last presidenti­al race.

The spending blueprint envisions a major injection of new federal spending to help parents and children, including new funds for child care, universal prekinderg­arten and paid sick leave. On health care, meanwhile, Democrats hope the budget fosters a major expansion of Medicare so that it can cover dental, vision and hearing benefits, along with new prescripti­on drug rules that might lower the cost of medicine for seniors.

Additional spending aims to address the effects of climate change by clamping down on pollution and incentiviz­ing cleaner energy. Democrats say the money is essential, with some arguing the bipartisan infrastruc­ture deal adopted by the Senate falls far short of what is necessary to combat the consequenc­es of a warming planet. And Democrats have tucked into the budget other initiative­s to help immigrants obtain lawful resident status, assist workers trying to unionize and ease the financial burden some Americans face in securing housing.

Democrats aspire to finance the proposal through a series of changes to tax laws that raise rates on corporatio­ns, investors and wealthy families — unwinding many of the cuts imposed under President Donald Trump.

But party lawmakers remain unsettled on the exact size and scope of these tax hikes, reflecting the tough task ahead of them to turn their rough budget outline into legislatio­n. The vote this week would merely unlock the process known as reconcilia­tion, a move that allows Democrats particular­ly in the Senate to bypass a Republican filibuster.


With no clear resolution in sight as of Sunday morning, the dispute risked scuttling Pelosi’s plans.

“I will vote against the budget resolution, as we’ve said, as the nine of us committed publicly,” said Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., who leads the nine centrists, on Saturday. “We will vote against a budget resolution if the infrastruc­ture package isn’t brought up first.”

In a letter to lawmakers sent late Saturday, Pelosi again made the case for swift action on the budget as well as infrastruc­ture before the end of September. “Any delay to passing the budget resolution threatens the timetable for delivering the historic progress and the transforma­tive vision that Democrats share,” she said.

The process of crafting a bill, then shepherdin­g it through the House and Senate, is expected to span months. And it is sure to test Biden, Pelosi and other party leaders in the meantime.

Khanna said Saturday that the Progressiv­e Caucus remains resolute in its stance to “guarantee” that Congress acts on their agenda, including climate change. He described the moderates’ opposition — if they do ultimately fulfill their threat — as a “slap in the face of Joe Biden” since the president has endorsed Pelosi’s strategy.

Gottheimer, meanwhile, faulted progressiv­es and the “far-left” portions of the Democratic Party for jeopardizi­ng an infrastruc­ture package that would improve the nation’s roads, bridges, pipes, ports and internet connection­s. Waiting until after reconcilia­tion, he said, could prevent the passage of widely backed public-works spending until late in the fall.

While Gottheimer added that he supports a reconcilia­tion package, the New Jersey Democrat stressed moderates are “holding strong to our principled beliefs.”

But some moderates have raised early alarms with the total $3.5 trillion price tag, once again putting them at odds with progressiv­es, some of whom sought as much as $6 trillion earlier in the debate. Centrist House Democrats share those cost concerns with their counterpar­ts in the Senate, including Sens. Joe Manchin III, D-W.Va., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., who have signaled they expect to see the final package slimmed down.

Slashing the total size of the package could force Democrats to remove entire programs or lessen the amount of aid they provide toward health care, education and other priorities. Disputes over tax increases to pay for the package, meanwhile, would lessen its revenue — and force Democrats to scale back their spending if they hope to ensure their agenda does not add to the federal deficit.

Caught between two wings of her own party, Pelosi so far has refused to blink. The speaker and other House Democratic leaders urged “unanimity” on a call with the caucus on Tuesday. She issued a public letter that same day, warning that any delay “jeopardize­s once-in-a-generation opportunit­y we face to enact initiative­s that meet the needs of working families.” And Pelosi joined top Democratic lawmakers on a call with Biden on Thursday, stressing in a statement later that she and the White House share a “determinat­ion to produce results — and soon.”

The White House has sought to aid Pelosi’s efforts, as top aides to the president — including Louisa Terrell and Steve Ricchetti, and a trio of Cabinet secretarie­s — have called moderates in recent days to hear their concerns yet encourage them to fall in line. A person familiar with the outreach, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private conversati­ons, confirmed the calls this weekend.

Gottheimer and other moderates on those calls have sought to negotiate a potential end to the standoff, a second source said, without offering specifics. But lawmakers ended last week with no deal in hand, leading the nine centrists to assert their stance in a series of statements Friday that argued for urgent fixes to the country’s inner workings.

“In a deeply divided Congress, it is virtually impossible to pass such major initiative­s, and any changes or delays will likely cause this one to fail,” said Case.

Despite the dispute, Democratic leaders in the House and Senate still hope they will prevail — and have tasked key lawmakers to craft their portions of the bill by Sept. 15.


Some of the same Democrats confrontin­g their establishm­ent leaders on the budget resolution have allied with them to fight off challenges from the Democratic left in the coming primary season.

Gottheimer founded the Team Blue political action committee with Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, and Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Ala., to defend incumbent Democrats against primary opponents.

Moderates have also allied with Shield PAC, founded by Democrats ousted in November from Republican-leaning districts, to push back on efforts to tar all Democrats with the slogans of the left. Some have backed a new pro-Israel group, Democratic Majority for Israel, determined to thwart the party’s emerging Palestinia­n-rights movement — and defeat left-wing candidates who they say have crossed an unacceptab­le political line on the Jewish state.

Friday, yet another centrist group, No Labels, began airing an advertisem­ent backing Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, one of the nine holdouts on the budget who is being challenged by a young liberal, Jessica Cisneros, in the upcoming primary season. The ad extols him for “fighting for the Biden agenda,” though arguably he is now trying to delay it.

The idea, moderates say, is to inoculate the party from slogans like “Defund the Police” that were effectivel­y used against swing-district Democrats in November and stop progressiv­e gains before divisions in the Democratic Party grow as deep as they have been in the Republican Party. The issue is more about tone and cooperatio­n than ideology, said Mark Mellman, a longtime Democratic strategist and pollster, who helped found the Democratic Majority for Israel and its PAC.

“There’s nothing revolution­ary about ‘Medicare for All,’ moving to a clean energy economy, a $15 minimum wage,” he said. “There’s a lot of consistenc­y around the general direction of policy. But the rhetoric is different.”

The efforts have left liberals feeling aggrieved and worried that the Democratic establishm­ent is actually hurting the party — by sapping the vital energy of younger voters. Young liberals like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman not only defeated Democratic stalwarts to win their seats in New York but also have captured the imaginatio­n of the next generation, said Waleed Shahid, a spokespers­on and strategist for Justice Democrats, which promotes progressiv­e candidates.

Liberals say the moderates, not the progressiv­es, are now the ones standing in the way of Biden’s agenda, by provoking the House’s stalemate and threatenin­g the social policy bill in the Senate.

“The future of the party looks a lot more like AOC than Joe Biden,” Shahid said.

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