Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Guinean troops stage coup, detain president

Constituti­on dissolved, leader declares


CONAKRY, Guinea — Mutinous soldiers in the West African nation of Guinea detained President Alpha Conde on Sunday after hours of heavy gunfire rang out near the presidenti­al palace in the capital, then announced on state television that the government had been dissolved in an apparent coup d’etat.

“We have decided, from now on, to dissolve the constituti­on,” said Col. Mamadi Doumbouya, the army’s special forces commander, appearing later on state television with Guinea’s red, green and yellow national flag draped around his shoulders and members of the military surroundin­g him.

“The duty of a soldier is to save the country,” Doumbouya said, citing “the trampling of the rights of citizens” and “the disrespect of democratic principles” as motivation­s.

“We will no longer entrust politics to one man. We will entrust it to the people,” Doumbouya said, without mentioning Conde by name.

The country’s borders were closed, but it was not immediatel­y known how much support Doumbouya had within the military, or whether other troops loyal to the president of more than a decade might attempt to

wrest back control.

The move comes barely a year after Conde sought a third term in what critics blasted as defiance of Guinea’s constituti­on. He argued that law changes under his tenure — engineered by his own government — had reset the clock on his allowed number of terms, sparking deadly riots in the country.

The West African regional bloc known as ECOWAS quickly condemned the developmen­ts, threatenin­g sanctions if Conde was not immediatel­y released. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres tweeted that he strongly condemned “any takeover of the government by force of the gun.”

Conde’s whereabout­s were unknown for hours after the intense fighting Sunday in downtown Conakry until a video emerged showing the 83-yearold leader tired and disheveled in military custody. It was not immediatel­y known when or where the video was taken, though a soldier’s voice can be heard asking Conde whether he was harmed in any way.

Doumbouya later confirmed to France 24 television that Conde was in a “secure spot” and had seen a doctor.

A former U.S. diplomat in Conakry confirmed to The Associated Press that the president had been taken into custody by the military. The diplomat, who was in contact with Guinean officials, spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivit­y of the matter.

Conde had seen his popularity plummet since he sought a third term last year. Sunday’s dramatic developmen­ts underscore­d how dissent had mounted within the military as well.

By midday Sunday, video footage from Conakry showed people cheering as trucks carrying troops rumbled down the streets. “Bravo!” some onlookers shouted. “Bravo! It’s done!”

In Sunday’s speech, Doumbouya called on other soldiers “to put themselves on the side of the people” and stay in their barracks. The army colonel said he was acting in the best interests of the nation, citing a lack of economic progress by leaders since the country gained independen­ce from France in 1958.

“If you see the state of our roads, if you see the state of our hospitals, you realize that after 72 years, it’s time to wake up,” he said. “We have to wake up.”

Observers, however, say the tensions between Guinea’s president and the army colonel stemmed from a recent proposal to cut some military salaries.

Doumbouya is a former member of the French Foreign Legion, who, according to videos posted online by Guinean news media, received training at Flintlock, the U.S. military’s biggest annual exercise in Africa.


Sunday morning, heavy gunfire broke out near the presidenti­al palace and went on for hours, sparking fears in a nation that already has seen multiple coups and presidenti­al assassinat­ion attempts. The Defense Ministry initially claimed that the attack had been repelled by security forces, but uncertaint­y grew when there was no subsequent sign of Conde on state television or radio.

The developmen­ts that followed closely mirrored other military coup d’etats in West Africa: The army colonel and his colleagues seized control of the airwaves, professing their commitment to democratic values and announcing their name: The National Committee for Rally and Developmen­t.

If the coup attempt proves successful, Guinea will become the third West African country to experience a violent transfer of power in the past five months.

In April, the president who had ruled Chad for three decades was killed on the battlefiel­d and replaced by his son in what academics called a “covert coup.” In May, Mali’s vice president, Assimi Goita, arrested the president, prime minister and defense minister in the country’s second coup within nine months.

It is a dramatic setback for Guinea, where many had hoped the country had turned the page on military power grabs.

Conde’s 2010 election victory — the country’s first democratic vote ever — was supposed to be a fresh start for a country that had been mired by decades of corrupt, authoritar­ian rule and political turmoil. In the years since, though, opponents said Conde, too, failed to improve the lives of Guineans, most of whom live in poverty despite the country’s vast mineral riches of bauxite and gold.

Human-rights groups say that mining companies have upended the lives and livelihood­s of rural communitie­s.

The year after Conde’s first election, he narrowly survived an assassinat­ion attempt after gunmen surrounded his home overnight and pounded his bedroom with rockets. Rocket-propelled grenades landed inside the compound and one of his bodyguards was killed.

Violent street demonstrat­ions broke out last year after Conde organized a referendum to modify the constituti­on. The unrest intensifie­d after he won the October election, and the opposition said dozens were killed during the crisis.

In neighborin­g Senegal, which has a large diaspora of Guineans who opposed Conde, news of his political demise was met with relief.

“President Alpha Conde deserves to be deposed. He stubbornly tried to run for a third term when he had no right to do so,” said Malick Diallo, a young Guinean shopkeeper in the suburbs of Dakar.

“We know that a coup d’etat is not good,” said Mamadou Saliou Diallo, another Guinean living in Senegal. “A president must be elected by democratic vote. But we have no choice. We have a president who is too old, who no longer makes Guineans dream and who does not want to leave power.”

Guinea has had a long history of political instabilit­y. In 1984, Lansana Conte took control of the country after the first post-independen­ce leader died. He remained in power for a quarter century until his death in 2008 and was accused of siphoning off state coffers to enrich his family and friends.

The country’s second coup soon followed, putting army Capt. Moussa “Dadis” Camara in charge. During his rule, security forces opened fire on demonstrat­ors at a stadium in Conakry who were protesting his plans to run for president. Human-rights groups have said more than 150 people were killed and at least 100 women were raped. Camara later went into exile after surviving an assassinat­ion attempt, and a transition­al government organized the landmark 2010 election won by Conde.

Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Boubacar Diallo, Krista Larson, Babacar Dione and Edith M. Lederer of The Associated Press; Ruth Maclean, Mady Camara and Abdourahma­ne Diallo of The New York Times; and by Danielle Paquette and Youssouf Bah of The Washington Post.

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