Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Suggestion­s for panel


KATV recently ran a story about the Arkansas Parole Board. I have the following recommenda­tions to make to the governor on the operation and structure of the board, based on the boards on which I have served in three states.

Increase members to 11 to allow for absences and ensure the needed quorum for decision-making. Members should come from all parts of the state and from different positions and parts of society. State senators should submit candidates to the governor. Terms will be two years, no exceptions. All meetings would be held virtually and digitally recorded.

All inmates would be provided ample notice of any action the board will be taking up concerning them, and victims (if there are any) would be afforded the same notice.

To avoid potential conflicts of interest, no members of the board will be present or past Arkansas attorneys. An Arkansas attorney would be assigned to the board to answer any legal questions members may have, but would not be a voting member.

Attorneys who practiced outside Arkansas and no longer practice in any fashion may be appointed to the board.

No member may be a current or past member of any Arkansas law enforcemen­t agency, again, to prevent conflicts of interest. Retired law enforcemen­t personnel from outside Arkansas may become members if their past positions have not involved Arkansas.

The governor should strive to have at least one member with a medical background, be it a doctor, dentist, or nurse practition­er, etc., and at least one member with experience or background in substance abuse, mental health issues, and the like.

All board members must be required to complete an annual conflict of interest statement and recuse themselves from any proceeding in which they, their immediate family members or their business associates have a vested interest.

This is to maintain the integrity of the board and its decisions.


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