Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



“Criticism is easy, art is difficult.”

— Philippe Destouches Here is another defensive problem, this time from the round of 32 of the 1998 McConnell Trophy at Lille.

As East, you hear South open four hearts, and you balance with a card-showing double to end the auction. Partner leads the spade nine to your queen and you continue with the club king, partner showing an odd number. What next?

Assuming partner would have bid with a heart void and 11 minor-suit cards, you can safely lay down the spade ace next. When everyone follows, you must shift to the diamond king.

If your partner started with three clubs, your club tricks will not be going anywhere. The dangerous case is when partner is five-five in the minors. If so, declarer would ruff a club continuati­on, draw trumps and cross to the diamond ace to score the spades. You must knock out the entry to dummy, and you should lead the diamond king rather than the jack in case declarer had the same hand with queen-third in diamonds.

After this defense, declarer must go two down.

At the table, East tried to cash a second club at trick three. Declarer ruffed, drew trumps and knocked out the spade ace while dummy retained the diamond ace as an entry.

The auction was the same, up to the double of four hearts, at the other table. Sabine Auken courageous­ly pulled to four no-trump to show a two-suiter, and von Arnim did well to bid only five clubs. So, the German team scored 590 at the first table and 600 at the second, for a 15-IMP gain.

ANSWER: Overcall two spades. It is not ideal to have no shape and poor spots in your long suit when you preempt, but you cannot have everything. It is important to get your six-card suit into the game since you might not get another chance. The extra level of preemption outweighs any minor flaws you might have. At unfavorabl­e vulnerabil­ity, bid one spade if you like.

If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

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