Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Dying for the base?


Editor, The Commercial,

I have waited to write this in hope that it would not soon be necessary. Apparently that is not to be, so what follows are the views of an 82-year-old veteran.

I’m reading obituaries for people who died of covid-19. Some say so in the obituaries and the obvious cause of death becomes public knowledge for others. Commonly it is stated just how dearly the deceased person “loved his/her kids, spouse, Nana, Pepaw,” et al.

Some were educated or trained in the making of judgment calls in managing the lives of others, such as is done by policemen and other first responders, while some are just garden variety citizens.

What has not been printed is why the deceased refused the vaccine that all evidence — now in the millions of vaccinated survivors — so far has shown would have kept them alive and here on earth to continue loving their kids and the others they were said to love so much.

Is it worth dying to “own the danged liberals,” to prove one is obstinate enough to die for “The Political Base” or party? Can’t call it Biblical since Jesus taught us to put the well being of “the least of these my brothers” before our own wishes or preference­s!

The credulous cretins in our state Legislatur­e just passed a law denying employers the right to require vaccinatio­n for their employees for the safety and well being of the staff and customers. Asa says he will let it become law without his signature. Courtroom, here we come!

By that reasoning employers cannot require drug testing, fire a drunk employee or company driver, require seat belts, etc. One’s personal desires and preference­s do not and can’t override the public welfare and after millions of dollars of tax dollars are spent on lawyers, that will be determined as fact.

It’s about time we realize that if we permit the above-referenced attitudes to prevail we will, in short order, not have a country we can live in.


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