Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Elizabeth Warren’s vision


As the debate rages over President Joe Biden’s social spending bill, with several long-sought progressiv­e ideas tantalizin­gly close to reality, there’s been little attention paid to the woman who’s helped lead the push for them throughout her career: Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Warren (D-Mass.) is familiar with the history of progressiv­e advocates being consistent­ly dismissed until their visions become realized. At the height of her 2020 presidenti­al campaign, she delivered a remarkable speech putting her ambitious plans in powerful perspectiv­e: “Over and over throughout our history, Americans have been told that big structural change just wasn’t possible: They should just give up. … They didn’t give up. They organized. They created a grassroots movement. They persisted.

And they changed the course of American history.”

Soon after, Warren’s groundbrea­king proposals netted her only 63 of the necessary 1,991 delegates to secure the Democratic nomination. Then she was passed over for both the vice presidency and the Cabinet.

And today, despite her tireless work for progressiv­e priorities, she remains out of the spotlight. Yet we see the fruits of her labor in policies that have become the backbone of the Democratic platform—some of which may now become the law of the land.

During her presidenti­al campaign, when Warren introduced her wealth tax on ultra-millionair­es as a solution to widening wealth inequality and failing social services, several other Democratic candidates sharply rebuked her.

Just a couple of years later, a different story is unfolding. As Democrats seek to salvage Biden’s Build Back Better plan, a billionair­es’ tax now has overwhelmi­ng support in the Democratic caucus, though with the notable— and crucial—exception of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).

While Manchin’s opposition means the billionair­es tax may not make it into the final agreement, another idea championed by Warren will likely be a key component. That would be the “corporate minimum tax,” which would require companies with more than $1 billion in revenue to pay at least 15 percent of their profits.

Warren has also been a fiercely consistent advocate for universal child care and pre-K, even before it seemed politicall­y possible. But now, increased child-care subsidies are wildly popular, so much so that even many skeptics have finally come around.

The trend is clear: Warren has fought ceaselessl­y to make progressiv­e visions a reality—because she understand­s that throughout history, persistenc­e has made change possible.

Warren delivered that campaign speech on big structural change just half a block from the site of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire where in 1911 a corporatio­n’s negligence toward its workers cost 146 lives.

After the 1911 fire, female factory workers across the city protested and went on strike. They were routinely ignored until one witness, Frances Perkins (then executive secretary of the New York City Consumers League), successful­ly pushed for labor reforms in New York state.

Perkins went on to become labor secretary for President Franklin D. Roosevelt—the first woman ever to hold a U.S. Cabinet position— and the reforms she pushed for in New York became part of the blueprint for the New Deal.

“So what did one woman—one very persistent woman—backed by millions of people across the country, get done?” Warren asked. “Social Security. Unemployme­nt insurance. Abolition of child labor. Minimum wage. The right to join a union. Even the very existence of the weekend. Big. Structural. Change.”

She’s right. Change comes from people like Perkins and Warren: those with the moral clarity and the tenacity to continue the fight for progress, through losses and long odds, until that right moment to rendezvous with a political need finally arrives.

And for her efforts, Warren hasn’t gotten the credit she deserves.

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