Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The politics of bad faith

- Bradley R. Gitz Freelance columnist Bradley R. Gitz, who lives and teaches in Batesville, received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Illinois.

Those bemoaning our political polarizati­on often fail to grasp that it is an inevitable consequenc­e of the politiciza­tion of American life. That politiciza­tion is, in turn, an inevitable consequenc­e of the dramatic expansion of government.

When government grows ever larger, it affects ever more things and leads to more disagreeme­nts among Americans regarding those things.

As the public crowds out the private, the private becomes the political and just about everything becomes in some way about politics. Politics becomes more crucial to our identities and we become estranged from those whose politics differ from ours.

The politiciza­tion of life that flows from constantly expanding state power consequent­ly sorts us into warring tribes that see those in the other as inherently malevolent. Compromise and civil debate are lost because a sense of shared values and presumptio­ns of good will are lost first.

Political discourse becomes not only nastier but dumber, as tribal loyalties take precedence over logic and facts and the truths they would otherwise reveal.

Politics comes to be more about winning (inherently ephemeral) victories over the other tribe and less about pursuit of the general welfare. We become “dug in” to dogmatic positions, resistant to logic and reason or facts and data that might challenge our worldviews or give the other side some kind of “win.”

Each side sticks to its official, cartoonish narrative, regardless of how at odds with truth it becomes; indeed, truth itself becomes a malleable concept dictated by the imperative­s of tribal warfare.

Lies are accordingl­y spewed and bizarre claims made with straight faces and accepted because tribal loyalty demands it—a presidenti­al election has to have been “stolen” because our side lost (even though the other side’s candidate received seven million more votes nationwide); the withdrawal from Afghanista­n was a remarkable success (even though hundreds of Americans apparently were trapped there), a Republican was elected governor of Virginia because Virginia voters are racist (even though they also elected a Black lieutenant governor); voter-ID requiremen­ts constitute “Jim Crow on steroids” (even though a majority of African Americans support them), massive government spending will cost nothing and even reduce inflation (as if that has ever happened before, or is even economical­ly possible).

Point out the obvious absurditie­s in all this and you are accused of working for the other tribe (rather than simply being appalled by the utterance of absurditie­s). Criticize Donald Trump and you are suddenly a woke leftist (no matter how often you have criticized the woke left); criticize the woke left and you become a Trumper (no matter how often you have criticized Trump).

The logic of tribal warfare requires that you jettison logic out of fear that it might lead you to stray from the herd.

In Glenn Greenwald’s words, “In a world in which ideology, partisan loyalty, tribal affiliatio­ns, ingroup identity and personalit­y-driven assessment­s predominat­e, there is no room for principles, universall­y applicable rights, or basic reason.”

Under such circumstan­ces, efforts to understand the views of others are all too often replaced by deliberate distortion­s and mischaract­erizations of those views and the motives behind them.

Express concern over woke indoctrina­tion of third-graders and you are accused of wanting to prevent slavery from being taught in schools (rather than simply opposing indoctrina­tion from whatever direction).

Question whether every tornado or hurricane is evidence of apocalypti­c climate change and you instantly become a “climate denier” (as unsavory as a “Holocaust denier”).

Argue in favor of color-blindness and merit in college admissions and employment decisions and you are accused of racism (as if making such decisions based on pigmentati­on isn’t the very definition of the thing).

Criticize Anthony Fauci and you are accused of disdain for “expertise,” and even “science” (as if the good doctor is never wrong, and no other scientists ever disagree with his opinions).

Suggest that “the science” (as well as basic fairness) should prohibit biological men from competing in sports against biological women and you are called a “transphobe” (the latest unscientif­ic use of the concept of “phobia” to smear dissent from orthodoxy).

Posit that the ugly events of Jan. 6 in our nation’s capital were more akin to a drunken riot than a vast, organized conspiracy to overthrow the government and you are called an “insurrecti­onist” (if not an outright “traitor”).

Point out that the Second Amendment might place limits on gun-control measures and you are accused of being a gun nut who wants to see a tank on every front lawn (even though you don’t own any guns).

Question the necessity or constituti­onality of federal vaccinatio­n mandates and you are labeled a pro-Trump “anti-vaxxer” (even though you are fully vaccinated, booster shot included, have written columns criticizin­g vaccine resistance, and never voted for Trump).


hen encounteri­ng such claims and accusation­s, the same question always arises—are those making them simply invincibly ignorant and therefore know not what they do, or do they know full well and, propelled by partisan zealotry, simply dishonest and mendacious?

Put differentl­y, is there any longer an objective truth that can be found apart from ideologica­l considerat­ions?

Tribalism turns us into liars. Blithering idiots too.

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