Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

GOP hostage to extremism

- By Max Boot

The United States has a serious problem with political violence, particular­ly right-wing violence, which has overtaken Islamist attacks as the No. 1 domestic terrorism threat. The list of right-wing outrages includes Oklahoma City 1995 (168 dead), Pittsburgh 2018 (11 dead) and El Paso 2019 (23 dead). The 2020 Kenosha, Wis., shooting, which left two dead, is part of the same alarming trend. Even though Kyle Rittenhous­e was found last week to have acted in self-defense, he remains morally culpable for showing up with an assault-style rifle at a protest, looking for trouble.

In many other instances — e.g., the 2018 pipe bombing attempts targeting critics of President Donald Trump — tragedy was only narrowly averted. The Jan. 6 riot was both horrible and not nearly as bad as it could have been: Though 140 police officers were injured in the worst assault on the Capitol since the War of 1812, the insurrecti­onists did not succeed in killing or kidnapping any lawmakers.

Many on the right routinely depict Democrats as America’s enemies. At one recent conference, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said, “The left hates America,” while Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said: “Their grand ambition is to deconstruc­t the United States of America.” At the same time, Republican­s make a fetish of gun ownership and use; weapons of war are the hottest fashion accessory in GOP campaign ads.

The message many Republican­s receive is that violence is justified to save the United States from a leftist takeover. An audience member at a pro-Trump event spoke for many when he asked: “When do we get to use the guns?”

An American Enterprise Institute poll found that 39 percent of Republican­s believe, “if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions.” Another survey by the University of Chicago found that 21 million adults believe the “use of force is justified” to restore Trump to the presidency.

Of course, the vast majority of people who think that violence is justified won’t actually use it. But it doesn’t take many extremists to cause mayhem in a country awash in firearms. Terrorist groups such as the Baader-Meinhof gang and the Irish Republican Army were able to carry out attacks for decades even while having membership­s ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand.

We are at the greatest peril since the early 1970s — when the threat emanated from the left — of a violent insurgency in America. If we see a full-blown insurgency — something that becomes more likely if Trump runs and loses again in 2024 — it would bear roughly the same symbiotic relationsh­ip to the GOP that the IRA had to the Sinn Fein party: It would be the armed wing of a larger right-wing movement. Trump made the relationsh­ip explicit when he told the Proud Boys, an armed group that later took part in the Jan. 6 attack on Congress, to “stand back and stand by.”

Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., has made himself the poster boy for Republican extremism. He spoke in February at a conference organized by a white-supremacis­t Holocaust denier. He has promoted conspiracy theories about Jan. 6, claiming that the FBI might have been responsibl­e for the attack. He tweeted an animated video showing him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and attacking President Joe Biden. Last week, he joined other House Republican­s in hero-worshiping Rittenhous­e; at least three of them want the violent vigilante to intern for them.

Gosar’s video showing him killing a co-worker would have gotten him fired in nearly any other workplace in the United States. But only two House Republican­s voted to censure him last week. Instead of expressing outrage over Gosar’s conduct, most Republican­s expressed outrage that Democrats would dare to call him out.

Why do so many Republican­s go along with extremism? Some, like Gosar, are zealots themselves. But many others are simply afraid of the crazies. Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., said Republican colleagues told him they feared for their safety if they voted to impeach Trump in January. One of the pro-impeachmen­t Republican­s, Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, is leaving Congress in part, he says, because of the danger to him and his family. Even the 13 House Republican­s who recently voted for a bipartisan infrastruc­ture bill have received death threats.

Republican­s are complicit in fomenting violent extremism - and they have also become hostage to the extremists in their ranks. It’s an ugly situation familiar from other people’s civil wars, and it portends more grief and bloodshed for a country that has already seen far too much of both. It’s not too late to avert a wider insurgency, but it will require Republican­s to dial down their violent and apocalypti­c rhetoric - which they show no sign of doing.

Max Boot is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and the author of“The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam.”

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