Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Trump official sues to publish details


WASHINGTON — Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper has filed a lawsuit against the Defense Department claiming that material is being improperly withheld from his use as he seeks to publish an “unvarnishe­d and candid memoir” of his time in President Donald Trump’s Cabinet.

The lawsuit, which was filed Sunday in U.S. District Court in Washington, describes the memoir, “A Sacred Oath,” as an account of Esper’s tenure as Army secretary from 2017 to 2019 and his 18 months as defense secretary, which ended when Trump fired him in a tweet just days after the president lost his reelection bid.

Esper, 57, a West Point graduate and Gulf War veteran, said in a statement that he had waited for six months for the review process to play out but found “my unclassifi­ed manuscript arbitraril­y redacted without clearly being told why.”

Esper and Trump were sharply divided over the use of the military during civil unrest in June 2020 following the killing of George Floyd. Other issues led the president to believe Esper was not sufficient­ly loyal while Esper believed he was trying to keep the department apolitical.

The lawsuit contends that “significan­t text” in the memoir, scheduled for publicatio­n by William Morrow in May, is being improperly held under the guise of classifica­tion.

“As with all such reviews, the Department takes seriously its obligation to balance national security with an author’s narrative desire,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in a statement. “Given that this matter is now under litigation, we will refrain from commenting further.”

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