Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

First Swedish female premier elected again

After 7-hour term, she’s back vowing to tackle climate, violence, welfare


COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Magdalena Andersson, who last week was Sweden’s first female prime minister for a few hours before resigning because a budget defeat made a coalition partner quit, on Monday was again elected as the nation’s head of government.

In a 101-173 vote with 75 abstention­s, the 349-seat Riksdag elected Andersson, leader of the Social Democrats, as prime minister. She will form a one-party, minority government. Her Cabinet is expected to be named today, and she will be installed following an audience with King Carl XVI Gustav, Sweden’s figurehead monarch.

Under the Swedish Constituti­on, prime ministers can be named and govern as long as a parliament­ary majority — a minimum of 175 lawmakers — is not against them.

Andersson served as prime minister for seven hours before stepping down after the Greens left her two-party coalition. Their move followed the rejection of her government’s budget proposal in favor of one presented by opposition parties including the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats, who are rooted in a neo-Nazi movement.

“It feels good and I am eager to start,” Andersson said.

Finance minister before becoming prime minister, Andersson said she would present her government policies as her Cabinet is named. However, she said she has three priorities — welfare, climate and combating violence. Sweden has seen a rise in organized crime activity in the past few years and several gang-related shootings have occurred in the three main cities, Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo.

Andersson repeated that she would govern Sweden with the opposition’s budget which was based on the government’s own proposal, but of the $8.2 billion that the government wanted to spend on reforms, $2.2 billion will be redistribu­ted next year. The approved budget aims to reduce taxes, increase salaries for police officers and add funding to sectors of Sweden’s judiciary system.

In a speech to parliament, Center Party leader Annie Loof said a female prime minister “means a lot to many girls and women, to see this glass ceiling shattered. I am proud that (the Center Party) is involved and makes this possible.” Her party abstained from voting for or against Andersson, paving the way for her election.

Andersson’s appointmen­t marked a milestone for Sweden, viewed for decades as one of Europe’s most progressiv­e countries when it comes to gender relations, but which had yet to have a woman in the top post.

Sweden is the last Nordic country to elect a woman prime minister. The current government leaders in Denmark and Finland are women — Mette Frederikse­n and Sanna Marin, respective­ly. Norway’s first female prime minister, Gro Harlem Brundtland, took office in 1981, while Johanna Sigurdardo­ttir became Iceland’s first female prime minister in 2009.

With 10 months until the next election, Andersson said, smiling, that she hopes to hold the job for 10 years.

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