Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Positive thinkers more productive

Choose the good


“One, two, three, four, what are you thankful for?” That was the intercom announceme­nt at 12:34 p.m. every day at my suburban school in central Arkansas this November. Every day, at 12:34 p.m., students and staff would jot down three things they are thankful for.

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and, according to Positive Psychology at Harvard University, is the No. 1 research-based strategy for elevating our happiness levels; simply reflecting on what we are grateful for, as a way to promote positive thinking.

Not just happy, but also healthy: Positive thinking is also believed to be linked to increased life span, lower rates of depression, stronger immune system, and a healthier heart.

We are happier and healthier when we engage in positive thinking; we are also more productive and successful in our careers. The Positive Psychology research suggests we are more successful at our job, and 31 percent more productive when we are practicing positive thinking.

If teachers are 31 percent more productive when they are practicing positive thinking, imagine the academic benefits their students will reap!

According to the 2021 State of the U.S. Teacher Survey conducted by RAND Corp., job-related stress, burnout and symptoms of depression seem to be almost universal among teachers, anticipati­ng turnover at an alarming rate. An already stressful occupation has become immensely more stressful, making it difficult to maintain a positive mindset.

District and state leaders are taking, and should continue to take, steps to alleviate the stress by keeping a pulse on local teachers’ needs, but what can teachers do to protect their mental health?

Forty percent of your happiness is based on your actions, behaviors and thoughts; therefore, happiness is a choice, not a result. That is powerful. I’m not suggesting we ignore the negative—dismissing negative emotions altogether is unhealthy—but we must train ourselves to perceive unsavory situations in a constructi­ve way, counteract negative situations, let go of what is beyond our control, and always look for the good.

Reflect on your “why” to reset your thinking. No doubt, you entered this profession to change lives and help others, and you are! As an educator, I understand the impossible tasks teachers face every day; I challenge you to reflect daily, asking yourself, “Did I give everything I had today?” If the answer is yes, then rest easy, because that’s all you can do.

You deserve to be happy, so exercise, meditate, invest in your relationsh­ips, and choose to see the good. One, two, three, four, what are you thankful for?

Crystal Carranco of Beebe is an instructio­nal innovation facilitato­r at Stagecoach Elementary in Cabot, and previously taught first grade for 10 years for Beebe Public School District. She is a 2021-2022 Arkansas State Teachers Associatio­n Advocacy Fellow.

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