Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Their second chance


On my first deployment to Afghanista­n as a Navy general medical officer for the Marine Corps infantry, I evaluated two toddlers for wounds they suffered due to torture by the Taliban. Both had severe burns from having their feet held to a fire, a method for extracting informatio­n from their families. I will forever remember the smell of their wounds, and of the look in the faces of their parents who knew they might face further violence as a reprisal for seeking our help to care for their children.

Now a parent of young children, I think of those kids often, and of the ghastly choice their parents faced. I had a chance to treat their wounds, but I never believed I saved those kids—after all, they still lived within reach of the Taliban, in hunger, with bombs in the ground.

Now I live in my hometown of Fayettevil­le, so I have the opportunit­y to volunteer with our nonprofit refugee resettleme­nt agency, Canopy Northwest Arkansas. My family is on a team helping to resettle a refugee family evacuated from Kabul. They arrived this past week, a couple and their five children, one a toddler—a beautiful, electric kid who loves toy trucks and sunglasses. After meeting them, I reached out to my commanding officer from my first deployment, now Brigadier General Sullivan, who helped lead the evacuation in Kabul, to thank him.

Despite the imperfecti­on of that operation, and the cost of American lives lost, I hope everyone can appreciate as I do the value of those lives that were, at long last, truly saved. My heart swells to see that our community can, and I believe that we will, embrace our opportunit­y to welcome the Afghans who join us here. When you see them, please be kind—their second chance is also the second chance for many veterans like myself.

KURT EIFLING Fayettevil­le

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