Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Ward realignmen­t


Editor, The Commercial:

The eight council members serving with the mayor should have known about the realignmen­t process. There is no reason why Pine Bluff has its back up against the wall in completing the realignmen­t of the wards.

The city of Little Rock started its process of ward realignmen­t in October. As late as the middle of November the Pine Bluff realignmen­t process and public comments had not started. Ms. Anderson informed us that the city had not yet hired a consultant for the realignmen­t process.

The city should have conspicuou­sly involved and informed the voters regarding the ward realignmen­t process. This process is not designed for council members to come together with a consultant to redraw ward lines, take care of themselves, vote to approve and add an emergency clause to make their decision effective immediatel­y, and lastly call the voters to review what they have done.

We the voters should have played more of a role than a rubber stamp in this process. Little Rock placed its ward proposal on the city’s website site and gave the public 12 days for comments.

Where is and was the NAACP in this process? Under the leadership of Dr. Robert J. Smith, the Pine Bluff ICVR ignited the ward process through a lawsuit in 1983. Plaintiffs were Dr. Martha Flowers, Dr. Robert J. Smith, Rev. H.O. Gray, Mrs. Naomi N. Lawson, Mr. W.R. Wright, and Mr. Henry Johnson. They wanted fairness and openness in the Pine Bluff ward realignmen­t process. It’s a legacy that must be upheld.


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