Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

A cleaning expert explains the viral soaking method: laundry stripping


Get the recipe so you can decide if it is really an effective way to wash your sheets, towels and clothes.

When people start talking about new ways to make our household chores easier and faster, we are all ears. Enter laundry stripping, the latest cleaning method of which the internet cannot get enough.

It is understand­able why this soaking method has gone viral. Not only is the transforma­tion incredibly satisfying to watch, but it has also made many people question just how clean their sheets and towels really are.

Before you grab your borax and get to work, read this guide by Good Housekeepi­ng Institute Cleaning Lab director Carolyn Forte to learn the ins and outs of laundry stripping, including if it is the most effective cleaning method for your sheets and towels.

What is laundry stripping?

Essentiall­y, laundry stripping is a thorough method of soaking that gets rid of any leftover detergent, fabric softener, minerals from hard water and natural body oils that have collected on textiles over a period of time. The process itself is rather lengthy: Towels and sheets sit in a tub of hot water, borax, washing soda (sodium carbonate) and laundry detergent until the water has cooled, about four to five hours in total.

Over time, the water’s heat causes the dyes to run, which explains why the water turns brown or gray. That means it works best on whites, lights and colorfast bath towels and bed sheets. You can still soak colored textiles — just do not mix bright colors with whites. While laundry stripping is suitable for any clothing or bedding items that can withstand high temperatur­es, you should avoid stripping delicate items.

How to effectivel­y strip sheets and towels

1. Fill your bathtub, sink or a large bucket with hot water. Add borax, washing soda (sodium carbonate) and laundry detergent in a 1:1:2 ratio. For a bathtub, add 1/4 cup borax, 1/4 cup washing soda and 1/2 cup laundry detergent. Stir until it dissolves completely.

2. Submerge your clean towels or sheets in the mixture and soak until the water has cooled, which usually takes at least four hours. Stir occasional­ly to release the buildup on the towels.

3. Drain the murky water, then throw your towels or sheets through a rinse-only cycle in your washing machine. Tumble dry without dryer sheets.

Is laundry stripping actually effective?

There are some instances where laundry stripping may be necessary, especially if you notice residue buildup after washing with homemade detergent, frequently use dryer sheets or fabric softener, or live in a hard-water area and do not have a water softener installed in your home.

Think of it this way: Too much of a good thing (laundry detergent and fabric softener) can sometimes be bad, causing whites to turn dark and dingy. Laundry stripping is an easy way to give towels and sheets new life — or at least, a refreshed look.

As a general rule, following smart laundry practices on a regular basis is the recommende­d cleaning method:

• Use a deep-cleaning detergent such as Good Housekeepi­ng Seal star Tide.

• Do not overload the washing machine or use too much detergent or fabric softener.

• Use proper laundry-sorting techniques to avoid residue buildup.

• If you notice residue or want to prevent buildup, add borax or washing soda to a regular load in the washer.

Forte said the bottom line is, “If you have a lot of towels or sheets that need help, this is a good way to tackle them quickly. Then make sure to follow good laundering habits afterward so you don’t have to do it again.”

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