Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR HELOISE: I hate Valentine’s Day. I’m not an unhappy bachelor or a widower. This is just a holiday meant to get the public to go out and buy stupid things like teddy bears, candy in heart-shaped boxes or more expensive items such as jewelry. Why? What exactly are OPINION we celebratin­g? Corporate greed?

I’ve been told that this is a day to show your loved HELOISE ones how special they are to you, but shouldn’t we be doing that every day? A kind word when a woman has gone out of her way to look nice will have a greater effect than a box of candy. Letting a man know he looks good, say, after losing weight or growing a beard (or shaving it off) can go a long way to strengthen a relationsh­ip.

Put away the cellphones and talk to one another. Sometimes a small act of kindness or a thoughtful gesture can speak volumes and last longer than cut flowers. And it won’t make you gain weight like candy or get dusty like a teddy bear.

Valentine’s Day might mean nothing to me, but my family means everything, and I let them know it more than just one day a year. — Spencer H.,

Orlando, Fla. DEAR READER: You’re right about showing the ones we love just how special they are to us on a daily basis, but it doesn’t hurt to include Valentine’s Day. It’s the cherry on the icing.

DEAR READERS: More uses for koozies, the insulated sleeves for drinks. Line with a coffee filter and use it to:

■ Hold pencils, pens, etc.

■ Hold loose change.

■ Hold lightweigh­t hair ornaments.

DEAR HELOISE: I am lucky enough to have strong nails, and I like to keep them painted and looking their best. However, when I want to wear clear polish instead of a color, I can’t because my nails have turned yellow. I thought there might be something wrong with me concerning my health, but a doctor said it was due to the polish I wore. How do I get rid of these yellow fingernail­s?

— Taylor B., Ashland, Wis. DEAR READER: First, always apply clear polish or a colorless base coat to your nails before you paint them with a nail polish that has color. This should help get rid of that yellow tint on your nails.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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