Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

New Hemp Technology Is 450% Better For Discomfort Relief Than Regular Hemp Oil

Next generation hemp technology soothes joint discomfort, aches and sore muscles 5Xs better than hemp oil.


Americans are rejoicing about a brand-new technology that gets the goods on the health benefits of hemp.

A next generation hemp technology is now available across the nation and can be purchased without a prescripti­on.

And the best part, it comes with a new delivery system that’s 450% more absorbable than oil.

So you can say good-bye to pills, oils and creams.

Canna LS contains pure “full spectrum hemp,” which works to relieve joint discomfort, restore sharp memory, and support a healthy normal inflammato­ry response, to name a few. And since it has no THC, it heals without the “high.”

Exciting new scientific research shows that hemp contains special molecules called cannabinoi­ds which bind to receptor sites in the brain and body. When taken orally, hemp activates these receptors

Why This New Technology Is Better Than Hemp

Unfortunat­ely, most hemp found on the market can’t deliver a fraction of these results. “The problem is, most hemp formulas come in oil form,” according to Chief Technologi­st Mi Hwa Kim of The Green Gardener. “Oil doesn’t breach the cell membrane, which is where the real healing happens. Our body is 80% water, our cells 90%. And you know what they say about oil and water — they don’t mix.”

This is why Canna LS contains a unique “water soluble” system. The technology is shown to improve absorption in the cells by 450%, quickly boosting the body’s cannabinoi­d levels.

“The other problem is that most of these formulas only contain a single compound extract,” says Ms. Kim. “Hemp’s full spectrum of cannabinoi­ds are shown to work synergisti­cally. In short, they work better together. It’s called the “entourage effect.” Most miss out on the full effects because they are missing some of the best rejuvenati­ng compounds within the hemp plant. This is why we’ve made Canna LS with “full spectrum” hemp.” “Finally, most hemp formulas are made on foreign farms with pesticides, or grown using non-organic seeds and processes. We’ve grown the hemp in Canna LS at a 100% organic American farm, under strict agricultur­al guidelines. It’s grown without pesticides or GMOs. And it’s grown to contain no THC.”

How It Works

The key to hemp’s health benefits is the Endocannab­inoid System, a network of receptors in the cells. The system is there to maintain homeostasi­s (balance). In response to toxins in our body, it releases cannabinoi­ds to set things back to their natural state.

“It’s really an amazing God-given system that’s been completely overlooked,” says Ms. Kim. “Our bodies are practicall­y designed to work with the compounds in hemp, which is why we needed a technology like Canna LS that unleashes its full potential.”

Over time, with aging, the endocannab­inoid system eventually burns out. Fewer cannabinoi­ds are released, so the body’s levels deplete. The result is, all sorts of symptoms of aging like age-related memory loss, blurry vision, joint dis-comfort, and much more.

“This is why there’s almost nothing hemp can’t do and no health concern it can’t address,” says Mi Hwa. “The trouble is, most hemp formulas are just not absorbable enough for the cell, so they fail to activate the endocannab­inoid system. This is why they don’t deliver anything close to the full range of potential results.”

Fortunatel­y, Canna LS is clinically shown to enter the cell membrane 450% more powerfully. This is how it boosts cannabinoi­d levels fast, helping to relieve joint discomfort… re-store foggy memory… and support healthy blood sugar. And what most people really love is that the “pearl” gel is easier to take than taking a pill or oil.

Not Yet Sold In Stores

Full-spectrum hemp, like Canna LS, is available nationwide. However, several major pharmaceut­ical companies are currently testing hemp in clinical settings, which means it may require a prescripti­on in the future. It’s advised to get Canna LS while you can.

Taking All The Risk Off Consumers

A large percentage of men and women using Canna LS experience truly amazing results. That’s why it’s now being sold with a guarantee that goes way beyond the industry standard. “We can only make this guarantee because we are 100% certain our customers will be satisfied,” says Ms. Kim. We want to take full risk off consumers. So in addition to offering substantia­l dis-counts for first-time customers, we also make them a huge promise that ensures they don’t have to risk a cent.”

Here’s how it works: Take Canna LS exactly as directed, and you must be thrilled with the results! Otherwise, sim-ply return the bottles and any unused portion with-in 90 days of purchase.

Where To Find Canna LS

This is the official nationwide release of Canna LS hemp technology. And so, the company is offering a special discount supply to any-one who calls within the next 48 hours. An Order Hotline has been set up for local readers to call. This gives everyone an equal chance to try Canna LS hemp extract. Starting at 7 a.m. today, the discount offer will be available for 48 hours. All you have to do is call TOLL FREE at 1-866-560-2027 The company will do the rest. Use Promo Code PARACA19 when you call in.

Important: Due to hemp’s growing popularity and recent media exposure, phone lines are often busy. If you call and do not immediatel­y get through, please be patient and call back.

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