Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Living with covid now

- LEANA S. WEN Leana S. Wen is a professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health.

At least a dozen high-profile guests who attended Saturday’s Gridiron Club dinner have tested positive for the coronaviru­s, including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and Reps. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) and Joaquin Castro (D-Texas).

While contact tracing investigat­ions have yet to confirm that these infections occurred at the dinner itself, the growing number of cases among attendees suggests the Gridiron was a supersprea­der event.

That does not mean large events should be canceled. To the contrary, the Gridiron Club outbreak shows what living with covid-19 looks like.

It should be clear by now that any time we interact with others indoors and without masks, there is a risk of covid-19 transmissi­on.

Event organizers should decide what level of risk they can tolerate and therefore what precaution­s they need to have in place. The Gridiron event required proof of vaccinatio­n, an important safeguard. That’s because people who are vaccinated are almost three times less likely to be infected compared with those who are unvaccinat­ed. Requiring proof of same-day rapid testing is another layer of protection that would further reduce risk.

It’s great if hosts want to take these precaution­s, particular­ly if they know there are many vulnerable people who would not attend the event without them.

It’s also acceptable if event organizers choose not to exercise precaution­s and instead put the onus on individual­s to decide the acceptable risk for their medical situations. A lot of people will decide that because they are vaccinated and boosted, it’s extremely unlikely that they will become severely ill and that they are fine with the increased possibilit­y of infection.

Others could just as reasonably decide that, given the many unknowns around long covid, they will only attend a work party or wedding if they can wear an N95 or equivalent mask the whole time.

There are those who would argue it’s irresponsi­ble to hold parties that could turn into super-spreader events. That was true before vaccines were widely available, but it’s no longer realistic.

If you choose to attend a large indoor gathering or are otherwise engaged in higher-risk activities such as frequentin­g crowded bars, take a test before visiting a nursing home or having dinner with an immunocomp­romised relative.

If you have a newborn or live with someone who is particular­ly vulnerable, ask others to test before coming to you. To be extra safe, request that they reduce risky activities for three days, then test just prior to the visit.

Accepting that coronaviru­s infections will be part of our lives doesn’t mean that we are giving up. Rather, it means acknowledg­ing that we finally have the tools to take away most of the coronaviru­s’s terrifying consequenc­es.

Nearly all of us will contract covid-19. Let’s prepare for when we do and resume living our lives in the meantime.

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