Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Media is failing on job news

- MARGARET SULLIVAN Margaret Sullivan writes for The Washington Post.

The unemployme­nt rate is at an encouragin­gly low point. Less than 4% of the labor force is actively seeking work. And the latest monthly Labor Department report showed another healthy spike in the number of new jobs — they’ve been steadily on the rise for many months in a row.

But if you ask regular Americans about the jobs climate, a surprising number of them seem to think the opposite is true.

This lack of knowledge matters. Political fortunes rise and fall in part on the health of the job market. As the Clinton 1992 campaign staff kept reminding themselves when gauging how to communicat­e with voters: “It’s the economy, stupid.”

So whose fault is it? Is it people who can’t be bothered to pay attention to the news, let alone the world around them?

The writer Alex Pareene posited that a robust job market paradoxica­lly feels like something negative to “secure Americans,” including bosses and managers. Low unemployme­nt leads to “worse service at restaurant­s, school bus driver shortages, and longer checkout lines nearly everywhere” — and, lately, union campaigns within the ranks of warehouse workers and coffee-shop baristas.

Or have they fallen for the spiel of partisan Republican­s who want to deny any good news emerging from the Biden era— such as Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., who recently claimed at a Detroit-area Donald Trump rally that unemployme­nt was at a 40-year high? It’s actually close to a 52-year low. (McClain also ludicrousl­y claimed that Trump, not Barack Obama, was the president who caught Osama bin Laden.)

Or does the blame fall squarely on the news media for not delivering the news in a way that everyone can easily absorb?

In his last post before his tragic death last week, the media critic Eric Boehlert argued that journalist­s are purposely putting President Joe Biden’s accomplish­ments, including job growth, in a negative light; he asserted that the press is actually “rooting against Biden.”

I’m less convinced that the press purposely is out to get Biden. For one thing, that would require more forethough­t and coordinati­on than the mainstream media is capable of. Biden’s press coverage has been pretty negative, but that has more to do with the media’s addiction to conflict and the unending desire for a cohesive narrative. (“Democrats in disarray” is a favorite trope.)

But the public’s lack of knowledge on jobs ought to sound an alarm bell for journalist­s.

If we’re putting informatio­n out there, truthfully and in real time, and people aren’t getting it, some significan­t share of the blame falls on us.

“It should be a wake-up call,” said Tom Rosenstiel, a professor at the University of Maryland’s journalism school and formerly the executive director of the American Press Institute. The lack of understand­ing, he told me, “is not entirely the media’s fault, but it should be their concern.”

I agree. I’ve often taught college and graduate students, and I’d be pretty worried about my methods if vast numbers of students came away believing the opposite of what I was trying to get across. I’d have to conclude that there was some problem with the way I was transmitti­ng informatio­n.

So what should journalist­s do about this disconnect? I’ll offer three suggestion­s as a starting point.

First, find some balance in the current economic coverage, which has pounded away relentless­ly at soaring inflation but mentioned job growth or wage increases only in passing.

To be sure, inflation is a major and legitimate concern, particular­ly because of the high cost of putting food on the table and gas in the car or truck.

But high costs also are a particular­ly easy story for TV news to do.

The visuals — gas station price signs, for example — are there for the taking. The jobs story may be less immediate and compelling, but it is also important.

Second, examine the knee-jerk media narrative, which goes like this: Biden’s approval numbers are down, and that’s because the economy is bad.

That framing has been relentless, and it is self-fulfilling. It’s all part of the horse-race coverage that journalist­s are addicted to but that doesn’t serve the public.

And third, cover all aspects of the new world of work more rigorously and more creatively. At many news organizati­ons, the traditiona­l labor beat was dismantled years ago. It should be brought back in reinvented form with attention paid to the gig economy, working from home, the burgeoning unionizati­on movement and more.

It’s a deep, fascinatin­g, close-to-home topic with great story potential — including the potential to give citizens a far better understand­ing of what’s really going on.

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