Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

You can’t serve both


Evil? How much of it will you “evangelica­l Christians” take to your bosoms and still pretend it’s OK? Your temerity evidenced by calling yourselves Christian is astonishin­g. The book which you profess to believe as the word of God tells you that a little leaven ( evil) leavens the whole loaf.

An old adage says when you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas since you’re considered just another dog by them.

You all know Donald Trump lied to you, and the courts as well as his own “attorney general in his pocket” Bill Barr confirmed that Trump lied. The man has proven himself amoral, immoral, irrational, narcissist­ic, arrogant beyond belief, as well as ignorant of knowledge essential for the governance of any human being. Persisting in lying to yourselves about the ones lying to you can’t end well.

Now we have the daughter of a preacher who destroyed 87 stateowned hard drives, apparently to cover his hiney, and she lied to us about and for Trump. She is about to be coronated as governor while still lying to us. The worst part is these dishonest and prevaricat­ing people have grown to believe their own lies!

Jesus spoke of those who’ll call him Lord at the last day but will be told to depart for he never knew you. The book says the evil one is the father of lies. As long as you persist in the adoration of this worker of evil, you continue to be as low as he has proven himself to be. You can’t serve both God and evil. At least quit sullying the name of Christ while refusing to abide by his teachings.



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