Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

No room for liars


Editor, The Commercial:

There are honest politician­s. They are the ones who, when bribed, stay bribed! While those who can be bribed are thankfully very scarce, they are still too numerous.

Those campaignin­g and telling lies to us for or about their mentors, their ability to keep false promises, and their personal integrity are not worthy of office. Candidates for state and federal offices are telling us their intent to do things in office that they will not have the authority to do. If we are credulous enough to believe them we will have only ourselves to blame.

When the everyday citizens of this country finally realize far more good can be done for all of us when we cooperate and compromise where necessary, we’ll progress. If you ran for mayor and didn’t win, then you’re not the majority’s choice. Realize that fact, and then do what you can to help the other council persons accomplish what the majority voted to do. That’s real service as any elected person should know. Working together for a common goal moves the city forward.

Give considerat­ion to whether a candidate has the qualificat­ion and intellect to do the job before giving that person your vote. Incompeten­ce is the greatest detriment to council work. You must follow the law there, and not your personal opinion, or your religion if it does not conform to the law.

It is disgusting that people I once thought respectabl­e and of solid integrity are spending thousands boasting of having the endorsemen­t of the most notorious pathologic­al liar of our times. They are lying for him to us and about us, as well as spewing vitriol about others that are equally enthralled to the fascist would-be autocrat.

Folks, this elderly veteran does not appreciate the lot of you trashing the democracy I and many others fought for, and many died for. You call yourselves Christians while supporting, aiding and abetting evil with a straight face. FOR SHAME!!


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