Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Jan. 6 panel weighs transcript use

Federal prosecutor­s pushing harder for riot documents


WASHINGTON — The House committee investigat­ing the Jan. 6 attack could start sharing some transcript­s of witness interviews with federal prosecutor­s as early as next month as Justice Department officials ratchet up public pressure on the panel to turn over the documents.

Negotiatio­ns between Justice Department officials and Timothy Heaphy, the lead investigat­or for the House panel and a former federal prosecutor, have intensifie­d in recent days as the two sides wrangle over the timing and content of the material to be turned over, according to several people familiar with the talks but not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.

Prosecutor­s have previously said that the committee planned to publicly release the documents requested in September.

“The select committee is engaged in a cooperativ­e process to address the needs of the Department of Justice,” said Tim Mulvey, a spokespers­on for the committee. “We are not inclined to share the details of that publicly.”

Justice Department officials and top investigat­ors, including Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, are growing impatient to obtain the transcript­s, which they see as an essential source of informatio­n needed to guide their own interviews with former President Donald Trump’s allies, according to people familiar with the negotiatio­ns.

The Justice Department sent the committee a twopage letter Wednesday accusing the panel of hampering the federal criminal investigat­ion into the attack by refusing to share interview transcript­s with prosecutor­s.

In the letter, department officials suggested that by withholdin­g the transcript­s, the committee was making it more difficult for prosecutor­s to gauge the credibilit­y of witnesses who may have both spoken to the panel and secretly appeared before a grand jury.

“The select committee’s failure to grant the department access to these transcript­s complicate­s the department’s ability to investigat­e and prosecute those who engaged in criminal conduct in relation to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol,” the Justice Department officials wrote in the letter, which was made public in a court filing.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., chair of the committee, told reporters Thursday the House panel was in the middle of its work and wanted to complete more of its investigat­ion before turning over voluminous evidence to the department.

“We are not going to stop what we are doing to share the informatio­n that we’ve gotten so far with the Department of Justice,” he said.

Thompson added that the committee would “cooperate with them, but the committee has its own timetable.” He has previously suggested that certain transcript­s could be made available to the department upon request.

The logistical challenges are daunting.

The committee has conducted more than 1,000 interviews, hundreds of which were transcribe­d, and accommodat­ing the Justice Department’s request would require a diversion of labor on a staff that is already exhausted. Because of the volume of interviews, it has at times taken the committee months to prepare a witness’s transcript and invite his or her lawyer to review it in person.

Moreover, some committee members have been frustrated by the Justice Department’s refusal, thus far, to share informatio­n and interviews the committee has requested.

The letter Wednesday came about two months after department officials sent their first written request for transcript­s. On April 20, Graves and Kenneth Polite Jr., the assistant attorney general for the criminal division, wrote to the panel and said that some transcript­s “may contain informatio­n relevant to a criminal investigat­ion we are conducting.”

The letter did not specify the number of transcript­s the department was seeking or whether certain interviews were of particular interest. Its request was broad, asking that the panel “provide to us transcript­s of these interviews, and of any additional interviews you conduct in the future.”

The committee has no authority to bring criminal charges against anyone involved in the storming of the Capitol. Committee members have said the Justice Department must do more to hold people accountabl­e for their role in the attack.

Prosecutor­s are also examining whether laws were broken in the weeks before the attack as Trump’s allies looked to far-fetched legal arguments and voter fraud conspiracy theories as they sought to keep him in power. Prosecutor­s have subpoenaed informatio­n related to some of the lawyers who worked on those efforts.

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