Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Reaping whirlwind


We the sheeple have sown the wind and we are reaping the whirlwind that God promised. Historical­ly, I believe world-leading nations have fallen in a three-step approach defined by God in the book of Romans. The U.S. is on schedule. Step one is a sexual revolution (the ’60s). Step two is a homosexual revolution (’70s-present) embraced by the government. Step three is a reprobate mind prevailing in the land, meaning leaders and followers cannot think straight. This is where America is now.

Look at the immoral decisions coming out of Washington, our courts and states and cities. Lawbreaker­s storm the border with impunity, we defund the police, release criminals to kill again and we still kill some 3,000 babies a day in mothers’ wombs, teach genderism and family breakdown. I believe these are only symptoms of the real problem. America has walked away from the authority of God’s word. And we are reaping the immoral whirlwind.

The solution? Churches and pastors, do your job. Preach the whole counsel of God. Call sin what it is: a violation of God’s clear teaching. Quit teaching children they are just lucky animals. Put the Ten Commandmen­ts back on school walls. Give young minds a chance to be impacted by God’s truth before they get twisted at state indoctrina­tion centers … oops, schools.

God charged parents (fathers especially) and grandparen­ts with educating their children. And many have been AWOL. Get in the game. Please. The state of Virginia’s parents got involved and they won. We can too!

BOB WARNER Hot Springs Village

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