Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

All over but the shouting


“Idon’t want to hear any more of these lies about reckless spending!” President Joe Biden yelled into the microphone at the AFL-CIO gathering on Tuesday. “We’re changing people’s lives!”

Presidents rarely, even in front of friendly audiences, raise their voices as to seem to be yelling at voters. This clip will rank along with Howard Dean’s scream, John Kerry’s “I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it,” and Barack Obama’s promise about keeping your doctor and your health-care plan if you liked them.

Biden’s target was as wrong as his tone. The kind of spending voters are talking about this year isn’t the public kind. It’s the private kind. At least once a week, nearly every American household fills up a gas tank or a grocery cart and gets hit with a sickening sticker shock.

The damage is already being felt. In a special election on Tuesday, Democrats lost a congressio­nal seat in a Texas district that Biden carried by 4 percentage points in 2020. And it was significan­tly weighted toward Hispanic voters.

All year long, participat­ion in Republican primaries has far outrun participat­ion in Democratic contests. Democrats had a bad 2021, with the election of Republican Glenn Youngkin as governor in Virginia—a state many thought had already turned blue—and the trend has not abated.

Help is not on the way. Some Democrats assumed pro-choice voters would come out of the woodwork to save them in November after a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion in the Mississipp­i abortion case was published in early May. Instead, an attempt on the life of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh happened.

Days later, an ashamed House Democratic leadership cleared the way for a bill protecting justices’ families weeks after it had unanimousl­y passed the Senate. What Democrats thought might be a help to them politicall­y looks to be yet another albatross around their necks.

Democrats counted on the handpicked-by-Nancy-Pelosi Jan. 6 committee to fascinate America. But only about 20 million tuned in for a prime-time show two weeks ago—about as much as a “Sunday Night Football” game— and ratings tend to go downhill from any series premiere. You have to wonder if anyone will be watching when it wraps up. Pelosi’s gambit has failed as thoroughly as her two impeachmen­t prosecutio­ns of Donald Trump. Each time, the Senate declined to go along.

Meanwhile, the main enemy—inflation—ravages the finances of every American family. Every single item in a grocery store gets there by truck or van. Most are wrapped or contained in plastic of some sort. Prices for fuel—whether gasoline or diesel—plastic and fertilizer are soaring.

While the president has invoked the Defense Production Act to expedite production of baby formula and solar panels, he refuses to do so for oil, natural gas and gasoline. He and his party simply will not offend the Climate Change Cult.

The gerontocra­cy atop the Democratic Party is going full “Thelma & Louise”—heading over the cliff. If you have not seen the movie, Google the end. It’s the only prophecy you need for Democrats in the fall.

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