Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Two strikes, and out


With much hypocrisy, thanks to the spineless Republican­s on the Supreme Court overturnin­g Roe v. Wade, there is no such thing as women’s rights anymore. We are going back to dark caveman times where women are considered enslaved to the male and are no longer free and equal citizens. If we are going down this road again, politician­s of both parties need to “compromise” and pass more comprehens­ive laws to include rape and incest, and provide no loopholes for punishment for these heinous crimes perpetrate­d on vulnerable female children and adults. Also, policing of these crimes must be beefed up—swift on punishment and not minimized. Better yet: Get rid of all laws on abortion and leave this decision to the female and her doctor.

The “Supremes” should ban another thing that is not in the Constituti­on—get rid of Citizens United and take “big money” out of politics.

Republican­s also talk about “citizens’ Second Amendment rights,” yet they do not fully support the right that children should be safe in schools. Children’s rights for safety play second fiddle to the money politician­s receive from the NRA to run their political campaigns, to the detriment of schoolchil­dren.

Recently in one newspaper article, Democrats and Republican­s in Washington crowed about the gun agreement passed that both parties demonstrat­ed to voters that they know how to compromise and make government work while leaving room for each side to appeal to its core supporters. This compromise is a big joke and does not get to the root of the problem. Children’s right to safety is not a joke.

It is time both parties get their acts together and do what caring electors sent you to Washington and to state capitols to do. Stop playing games!

God save our democracy and our country.


Hot Springs Village

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