Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- BOBBY WOLFF If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

“Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence.There’s no better

rule.” — Charles Dickens

Even in a two-over-one auction, it is still sensible to play that reverses at the three-level promise extra shape or high cards. Thus, in today’s auction North cannot justify a rebid of three clubs and must instead rebid his spades. South takes it slow with two notrump and then plants the contract in three no-trump after North shows his club length.

West’s lead of the unbid suit allows East’s jack to drive out South’s king. South has six top tricks and can establish at least two more by force in the diamond suit, three if they split. He lacks the entries to take the diamond finesse, as cashing dummy’s spade winners could set up too many tricks for the defense and may also prevent declarer from later taking the club finesse. South should focus on taking four diamond tricks, with the club finesse as a possible plan B. He can afford to lose the lead once — West appears to have only four hearts, given his fourth-highest lead of the three-spot.

The best play is to cash the diamond ace at trick two and then continue with the diamond queen. Whether West wins or ducks, the bad break in diamonds will become apparent. West wins and continues with a low heart to East. East might shift to clubs in an attempt to force declarer to guess, but thanks to South’s careful preparatio­n, he knows to play low for his ninth trick.

South’s play in diamonds would have been correct even if he had won the first trick in dummy. This uncovers the diamond split before committing to a play in the club suit.

ANSWER: You have a borderline decision as to whether to bid or pass, but you are entitled to assume that your partner has three cover cards for a limit raise. Bid one more for the road and be prepared to find yourself in a no-play contract from time to time. By the way, with 3-1 in the red suits, it would be clear to accept the try. It is likely that the extra shape would prove useful.

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