Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Truss faces disarray after U-turn

Leadership leaves Conservati­ves with reelection concerns


BIRMINGHAM, England — British Prime Minister Liz Truss is spending her first Conservati­ve Party conference as leader this week scrambling to reassure financial markets spooked by her government’s see-sawing economic pledges, while trying to restore her authority with a party that fears its chance of reelection is crumbling.

Truss should be celebratin­g her first month as Britain’s prime minister. Instead, she is fighting for her job.

She is on a mission to reshape Britain’s economy through tax cuts and deregulati­on in a bid to end years of sluggish growth. But she is trying to ride out a series of U-turns over her first big policy: a stimulus package that includes $50 billion in tax cuts, to be paid for by government borrowing.

Under political and financial pressure, the government scrapped Monday the most unpopular part of its budget package, a tax cut on earnings above $167,000 a year. That will save about $2.3 billion, a small share of the government’s $51.6 billion tax-cutting plan — and it is unclear how the rest will be paid for.

Disapprova­l of her tax-cut proposal and the series of U-turns that followed have turned Truss’ debut conference leader’s speech today from a moment of triumph to one of peril.

Truss insisted Tuesday that she is leading “a listening government” that learns from its mistakes.

“I think there’s absolutely no shame in a leader listening to people and responding. And that’s the kind of person I am,” she told Sky News.

To the BBC she said: “We have learned from the feedback we’ve received.”

That “feedback” has been dramatic: Truss’ four weeks in office have seen the pound plunge to record lows against the dollar, the Bank of England take emergency action and the opposition Labour Party surge to record highs against her Conservati­ves in opinion polls.

Now Truss also faces a battle with her party over her economic plans, with some lawmakers — including government ministers — warning they will oppose any attempt to slash welfare benefits to help pay for the lower taxes that are a key part of Truss’ economic philosophy.

Truss said “no decision has been made yet” on whether to cut benefits and pensions in real terms by raising them by less than inflation.

Tory dissent leaves Truss facing a choice between jettisonin­g more of her economic plan or facing a showdown with the party in Parliament, where defeats on economic bills are generally regarded as resigning matters for a government.

Treasury chief Kwasi Kwarteng has promised to publish a fully costed fiscal plan, alongside an economic forecast from the independen­t Office for Budget Responsibi­lity. Kwarteng is under pressure to produce it sooner, but insisted Tuesday he was sticking with his original date of Nov. 23.

What Kwarteng called the “hullabaloo” over the government’s plans has cast a shadow over the Conservati­ves’ conference in the central England city of Birmingham, where many party members express fears that the Tories are headed for defeat in the next election.

The party has a commanding majority in Parliament but is fractious after three years of scandal under Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, followed by a divisive leadership contest between Truss and former Treasury chief Rishi Sunak.

Truss says her policies will bring economic growth, higher wages and eventually more tax revenue for the government to spend. But critics say the plans do little to help millions of people who are struggling right now with a cost-of-living crisis fueled by soaring energy prices.

Truss said she was “very committed to supporting the most vulnerable,” pointing to a cap on energy prices that took effect Saturday.

However, she refused to promise benefits and state pensions would increase in line with inflation, which has been the practice for years.

“We are going to have to make decisions about how we bring down debt,” Truss said. “We have to be fiscally responsibl­e.”

Conservati­ves have a long history of deposing unpopular leaders. Johnson led the party to its biggest election win for decades in 2019. He was ousted less than three years later, tarnished by ethics scandals.

Some Conservati­ves in Birmingham said Truss could still recover if she changes her message.

Former Conservati­ve leader Iain Duncan Smith said the government should have “rolled the pitch” to prepare for its announceme­nts and focused on growth, rather than tax.

Duncan Smith — who was booted out as leader by the party in 2003 after two years in office — implored his Conservati­ve colleagues to stop fighting.

“What we’re doing, if we’re not careful, is wishing ourselves into an election where we literally will be absolutely trounced,” he told radio station LBC.

 ?? (AP/Stefan Rousseau) ?? British Prime Minister Liz Truss (left) and Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng visit a constructi­on site for a medical innovation campus Tuesday in Birmingham, during day three of the Conservati­ve Party annual conference at the Internatio­nal Convention Centre in Birmingham, England.
(AP/Stefan Rousseau) British Prime Minister Liz Truss (left) and Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng visit a constructi­on site for a medical innovation campus Tuesday in Birmingham, during day three of the Conservati­ve Party annual conference at the Internatio­nal Convention Centre in Birmingham, England.

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