Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

WH homemakers discuss projects


The Willing Workers of White Hall Extension Homemakers Club held its September meeting at the White Hall Library, where members heard a program on Love Your Body — Mind, Body and Your Soul, and discussed club projects.

President Sarah Payton welcomed everyone and presented the program. She had members write down five different descriptio­ns of their body using adjectives. The idea of the exercise was for participan­ts to put down their true feelings about their bodies, so examples could guide them to choose positive or negative characteri­stics when that isn’t what they would come up with on their own, according to a news release.

She said you need to think more about your identities beyond your looks. Examples: What interests you? What do you do for your community? How do you care for others? Who are you?

She said you need to read and learn more about ways to improve your self-image. Eat mindfully and healthfull­y, keep a journal, engage in healthy physical activity. There are lots of ways to improve your view of your body.

Payton told members to think of a positive phrase you can call on in moments of self-doubt, negative selftalk or when you feel down. For example: “Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet. This isn’t worth my health.”

Also during the meeting, Dee Kindrick, continuing education leader, reported on the month of October, including certain dates: Oct. 1, World Vegetarian Day; Oct. 5, World Teacher Day; Oct. 9, Fire Prevention Day; Oct. 12, Columbus Day; Oct. 16, Bosses Day; Oct. 21, National Pumpkin Day; Oct. 29, Thanksgivi­ng Day; Oct. 30, National Candy Corn Day; and Oct. 31, Carve a Pumpkin Day and Halloween.

She also reported on White Hall Trade Days and Founders Day events.

Jo Ann Carr, community service chairman, reported on the food pantry raffle and announced that the drawing for the afghan would be at the end of the meeting. Food pantry items for October will be a jar of peanut butter and box of crackers. The Children’s Advocacy Project was discussed and members voted to make it the club’s main project for the year. Members are to bring a throw blanket to the October meeting for this project and possibly tour the center in November.

A Birthday Dinner was scheduled for Oct. 20 at Mama’s Diner in Pine Bluff to celebrate the birthdays of Carr and Kathy Wilson.

Payton went over dates for upcoming events and encouraged members to sign up for them, including the Cancer Cap Workshop at the Extension Office on Oct. 17; the Delta District Rally in Stuttgart on Oct. 20; two county fellowship events: a play at the Black Box Theater in Pine Bluff on Oct. 30; and a trip to Squizito Tasting Room in Cabot on Oct. 22.

Hostesses for the meeting were Carr, Kindrick and Penny Scholes. Mary Ann Kizer won the drawing for the afghan.

The next meeting of Willing Workers of White Hall EHC will be Oct. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the White Hall Library. The program will be on Getting More Sleep. Interested guests are welcome.

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