Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Age of decline

- Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institutio­n, Stanford University. Victor Davis Hanson

President Joe Biden, the nominal head of the Democratic Party, is 79. But he increasing­ly acts and sounds 89.

Recently, Biden has pivoted repeatedly on stage with his arm outstretch­ed to shake the hand—of someone not there.

On one occasion Biden called out for U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.), who died in a car crash in early August. He was insistent, shouting to the crowd, “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie? I think she wasn’t going to be here—to help make this a reality.”

Biden slurs his words. He truncates sentences. He speaks in a muddled voice that often makes comprehens­ion impossible. When questioned, he grows irate, growls, and stutters.

Biden’s messaging is even more confused than his medium. On any given day, Biden may impetuousl­y announce that U.S. soldiers will defend the soil of Taiwan, or that the “killer” Russian President Vladimir Putin, unhinged head of nuclear Russia, must be removed from office promptly.

If Biden doesn’t like a question, he may deride the reporter as a “stupid son of a b——.” He habitually lies about everything from covid-19 vaccinatio­ns being unavailabl­e until his presidency to the nature of his son’s military service.

Biden confuses Iran with Ukraine.

He calls a senior African American assistant “my boy.”

For much of the Trump presidency, leftist opponents sought to remove him by the 25th Amendment. A Yale psychiatri­st diagnosed Trump in absentia and declared him deserving of a straitjack­et-forced interventi­on.

Strangely, the same left arm-chair psychiatri­sts offer no such worries about Biden’s clear mental decline.

One reason Biden enjoys immunity from removal is that his 57-year-old vice president Kamala Harris is seen to be even more incoherent and ill-informed.

Harris cannot plead age as the cause of her mental confusion. Yet, the more the public sees and hears Harris’ mixed-up word salads and bizarre cackling spells, the more it is convinced that she is ignorant or intellectu­ally lazy—or both.

Recently while at the demilitari­zed zone between the two Koreas, she read from a prepared speech that the United States honors its “very important,” “strong,” and “enduring,” “alliance”—with the communist genocidal “Republic of North Korea.”

For those other than the vice president, North Korea is the sworn enemy of the United States, and officially known as the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”

Millions of Floridians remain currently displaced by Hurricane Ian. In response, Harris recently reassured them that impending federal assistance would be predicated not on need or individual disasters, but on the basis of skin color. That would mean that millions of the homeless white middle class should wait in line for relief, given Harris’ promises to “fight for equity, understand­ing not everyone starts out at the same place.”

Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi is 82. At times she too seems trapped in her own world disconnect­ed from reality. Pelosi apparently recently mixed up Taiwan with mainland Communist China.

She stood up and weirdly rubbed her clenched fists together when Biden in his state of the union address darkly mentioned the dangers of soldiers inhaling toxic fumes from burn pits. After one of Trump’s SOTU addresses, Pelosi proceeded indignantl­y to tear up her copy of the speech on national television.

More recently, Pelosi defended open borders and the vast influxes of illegal aliens by crassly claiming, “We need migrants to pick crops.”

Lt. Gov. John Fetterman of Pennsylvan­ia is running for senator in his home state. His handlers try to keep him from questioner­s. They duck debates. And they count on the media to edit videos of his increasing­ly rare and bizarre appearance­s. Why?

Fetterman recently suffered a severe life-threatenin­g stroke, the details and prognoses of which he has yet to fully disclose. He is now severely cognitivel­y impaired. He cannot finish a coherent sentence while campaignin­g.

Almost daily Fetterman suffers long bouts of incoherenc­e. He even becomes confused over where exactly he and his crowd are: “Send us back to New Jersey and send me to D.C.”

The Democratic Party’s top hierarchy is run by octogenari­ans and septuagena­rians. In the case of Biden and Pelosi, their powerful positions and age-related cognitive disabiliti­es startle both Americans and allies abroad.

Why is the supposed party of youth dominated by such frail and forgetful elderly?

Maybe because the alternativ­e of the next generation of would-be leaders waiting in the wings—like Kamala Harris or John Fetterman— is more frightenin­g still.

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