Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Fiber aids cancer drug response


Cancer researcher­s think they have found one explanatio­n for why some cancer drugs don’t always work.

The compositio­n of a person’s gut microbiome — which consists of trillions of bacteria and other microbes — appears to influence whether a groundbrea­king cancer treatment called immunother­apy is successful in some patients. Scientists have found that patients who harbor certain gut bacteria have better responses to immunother­apy than patients who lack them.

Even more stunning: Scientists believe that giving patients a fiber-rich diet of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains to nourish the microbiome might improve the odds that the cancer treatment is effective.

A clinical trial testing the theory is underway at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, the largest cancer center in the United States. It includes participan­ts like Hector Facton, a pediatrici­an in San Angelo, Texas, who is undergoing immunother­apy treatments for Stage 4 melanoma.

“I’m eating triple the amount of fruits and vegetables that I used to eat,” Facton said. “I eat healthy, but not to the levels that I am now. A huge portion of my plate is always vegetables, lots of quinoa — anything I can find that has fiber in it.”

Scientists caution that this strategy of using a fiber-rich diet — or any diet for that matter — to boost immunother­apy is yet unproved. But the research they are doing is shedding new light on how the gut microbiome affects our ability to fight disease.

“My patients who are starting treatment often ask if there’s something else they could be doing to enhance their chances of responding to immunother­apy,” said Jennifer McQuade, an assistant professor and physician scientist in melanoma medical oncology at MD Anderson. “We’re trying to test this diet with the same rigor that we use to test drugs.”


Scientists have long known that the microbiome is a crucial part of our immune systems. By some estimates, between 60% and 80% of the immune cells in our bodies reside in the gut.

But only recently did it become apparent that these microbes might affect cancer outcomes. Scientists at the University of Chicago discovered that mice

with a strain of gut bacteria known as Bifidobact­erium had a stronger immune response against melanoma tumors than mice who lacked the bacteria. They found that giving Bifidobact­erium to the deficient mice slowed tumor growth. What’s more, combining the bacteria with an immunother­apy drug known as a checkpoint inhibitor nearly abolished the tumors.

Human studies showed that these checkpoint inhibitors were also more effective in cancer patients whose guts had more microbial diversity, as well as a greater abundance of several microbes, including Akkermansi­a muciniphil­a and Bifidobact­erium longum. Patients with low levels of these and other microbes were less likely to respond to the treatment.

Some researcher­s are trying to overcome resistance to immunother­apy by doing fecal transplant­s. They take stool samples teeming with gut microbes from patients who responded to the drugs and transfer it via colonoscop­y to another patient. In one recent trial, scientists gave fecal transplant­s to 15 people with advanced melanoma who didn’t respond to immunother­apy.

Based on their histories, the 15 patients had a less than 10% likelihood of responding to immunother­apy. But after undergoing stool transplant­s, six patients began responding to the drugs. Hassane Zarour, a cancer immunologi­st who led the study, called it “an encouragin­g proof of principle,” and said he is now recruiting melanoma and lung cancer patients for a larger study.

“We don’t want to say that the microbiome is the only mechanism,” said Zarour, the co-leader of the Cancer Immunology and Immunother­apy Program at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “But we have learned that the microbiome could definitely be responsibl­e for the inability of some patients to respond.”

Zarour said the goal of his work is to figure out which gut microbes are involved and then package them into pills that patients could take to alter their microbiome­s. “The endgame is not fecal transplant­s,” he added. “Giving patients a cocktail of probiotics might be the best option.”


Meanwhile at MD Anderson, McQuade and her colleague Jennifer Wargo, a cancer surgeon, explored a different route: Why not change patients’ microbiome­s by changing what they eat?

McQuade pointed out that some of the gut microbes that appear to improve how patients respond to immunother­apy are known to thrive on fiber. “These are bacteria that help us break down and utilize starch and fibers,” she said.

The team examined the diets of 128 melanoma patients and found that those who regularly ate large amounts of fiber from fruits, vegetables and other plant foods had better outcomes on immunother­apy than patients who ate the least amount of fiber. Their findings, published in Science in December, showed that every five-gram increase in daily fiber intake was associated with a 30% lower risk of death or cancer progressio­n.

In the new study, patients are given daily meals that include as much as 50 grams of daily fiber from foods like beans, lentils, farro, brown rice, fruits, and vegetables — about twice the recommende­d amount. The average American eats less than a third of that amount, roughly 15 grams. (A control group will eat a healthful diet that follows guidelines from the American Cancer Society.)

Facton in San Angelo was diagnosed in November 2021 with melanoma that had spread to his lymph nodes after his wife noticed a golf-ballsize lump on his back. He began immunother­apy and enrolled in the threemonth diet trial.

“It was huge servings, like a plate heaping with broccoli or quinoa, or mixed vegetables,” he said. “It was an impressive amount — more than I have ever eaten in one serving.”

In January, he underwent surgery and learned the tumor was gone. “There was just a bunch of scar tissue there,” he said. “There was no cancer to be found.”

Facton is continuing immunother­apy for nine months, and he has decided to continue his new way of eating. “I feel better, and I don’t see any downside to it,” he said. “It makes me a healthier person overall — and now, cancer free. What a huge bonus.”

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