Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Zones: crime-free or gun-free?

- ROBERT STEINBUCH Robert Steinbuch, professor of law at the Bowen Law School, is a Fulbright Scholar and author of the treatise “The Arkansas Freedom of Informatio­n Act.” His views do not necessaril­y reflect those of his employer..

Over the last decade, Arkansas has greatly expanded individual­s’ ability to carry firearms in self-defense. For conservati­ves, this restoratio­n of our God-given right to protect ourselves reflects the intent of the founders and is good modern-day policy.

The most significan­t advance in contempora­ry gun rights in Arkansas occurred when the Legislatur­e removed the presumptio­n that car- rying a handgun without a license evidenced criminal intent.

Act 746 from the 89th General Assembly was co-sponsored by then-Representa­tives Altes, Alexander, Ballinger, Barnett, Bell, Bragg, Carnine, Cozart, Dale, Deffenbaug­h, C. Douglas, Hammer, Hobbs, Lea, S. Meeks, Rice, Scott, Westerman, and Word—in conjunctio­n with then-Senators Files, A. Clark, B. King, and J. Woods. These great conservati­ve Arkansans—several still serving in the Legislatur­e—deserve our gratitude.

Now, anyone not otherwise prohibited from owning firearms—like convicted felons—can carry a handgun. This act, known as “Constituti­onal Carry,” reflects the notion that absent government­al interferen­ce, citizens are inherently entitled to carry firearms, as recognized in our core legal documents. Constituti­onal Carry, however, doesn’t alter the separate statutory prohibitio­n on firearms in public buildings. This is where Arkansas’ other firearms laws become relevant.

In addition to a specific statute granting courthouse and courtroom access with firearms to law enforcemen­t, officers of the court, bailiffs, and any other individual­s authorized by courts—all profession­als routinely engaging with courts—Arkansas has a two-tiered concealed-carry license (CCL) regime available to the general public. While I’m litigating the applicatio­n of both sets of these laws, this column speaks to a broader issue: critical gaps in Arkansas’ CCL laws.

The first CCL tier—the basic license—unmistakab­ly affords licensees the general ability to carry a weapon concealed. But the state nonetheles­s forbids, in two ways, licensees from carrying in a host of locations—including public buildings, bars, colleges, airports, and churches. Some of these prohibitio­ns are a result of general restrictio­ns on guns in public buildings, and others specifical­ly apply to CCL holders through the statutes defining their entitlemen­ts.

In the higher tier of CCL—which provides a licensee with an “Enhanced” stamp on the credential— licensees are freed from the shackles of many gun proscripti­ons, both general and CCL-specific. As such, enhanced licensees may carry concealed weapons in areas off-limits to basic CCL holders—including public colleges, most other government facilities, bars, airports, and churches. And both types of CCL holders possess reciprocit­y rights in most states, a significan­t value not afforded to those solely availing themselves of their Constituti­onal-Carry rights.

Enhanced CCLs came about because of the efforts of then-Rep. Charlie Collins, a Republican from northwest Arkansas, who believed that college campuses, like all socalled gun-free environmen­ts, were magnets for would-be murderers with guns, because these locations were literally advertisin­g the inability of good citizens to defend themselves. Collins initially focused on carrying on college grounds. As such, the proposal was dubbed “Campus Carry.” The law later came to cover many other locations.

When the first iteration of Collins’ proposal was under considerat­ion, administra­tors from campuses across the state flocked to the Legislatur­e like stray dogs to the back door of a 24-hour butcher shop, begging legislator­s not for scraps, but for entire Wagyu porterhous­es. These unelected academic managers demanded complete veto power over Campus Carry, predictabl­y couching their authority-enhancing entreaties in the hush murmur of anodyne administra­tive expediency. Sadly, the Legislatur­e naively gave these bureaucrat­s exactly what they wished for.

What could go wrong with that? A lot, as it turns out. Every public college opted out of Campus Carry. Voila! Arkansas had just enacted a campus-carry law that allowed precisely no one to carry on campus—an example of the tail wagging the dog.

It should be an ongoing lesson to the Legislatur­e that its job is to make policy decisions, not to defer those judgments to bureaucrat­s. No law should shift substantiv­e rule-making responsibi­lity to the administra­tive state—notwithsta­nding that this has been the embarrassi­ng practice of state legislatur­es across the country and in Congress for decades. The result has been a horror show of bad, often leftist, invariably statist actions by unelected and unaccounta­ble bureaucrat­s.

To the Legislatur­e’s credit, this failure in implementa­tion served as a lesson. After recognizin­g that the edicts of the educationa­l executives excluded everyone from carrying concealed on any campus, the Legislatur­e revised the law. The new version aptly removed from unelected administra­tors the authority over public facilities on university campuses and returned policy decisions over safety and security to those state officials who are accountabl­e, through elections, directly to the people.

This modern-firearm regime has worked well for Arkansans. Contrary to the face-melting histrionic­s of the Second Amendment abolitioni­sts, guns in the hands of CCL holders at universiti­es have proven safe. And there are numerous examples from across the country of concealed-carry licensees using their handguns to stop violent criminals.

But trouble still festers in paradise. Enhanced-CCL holders still may not carry in a hodgepodge of public facilities in which the Legislatur­e has statutoril­y prohibited firearms, including police facilities, locations managed by the Arkansas Department of Transporta­tion (ArDOT), jails, courts, the state hospital, collegiate sporting events, and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, absent a separate legal entitlemen­t like that discussed above for individual­s regularly doing business in courts.

Continuing to prohibit Enhanced-CCL holders from bringing firearms into at least some of these locations is idiotic, and the Legislatur­e should fix this in the coming session. For example, why are the good citizens of Arkansas, including those working for ArDOT, precluded from defending themselves on public property managed by state officials in charge of maintainin­g our roads? I can conceive of no reason that Enhanced-CCL holders may carry in the state’s venerated Capitol but not in some random ArDOT truck depot. Is ArDOT conducting secret, cleanroom, extraterre­strial-investigat­ing operations—a la “Independen­ce Day”—that we don’t know about?

Similarly, why is the UAMS system exempted from concealed carry? Even if you accept the questionab­le notion that emergency rooms and hospital treatment areas should exclude legally armed law-abiding citizens, UAMS is a conglomera­te of six colleges, seven institutes, several research centers, a statewide network of community-education centers, and a medical center. Most locations within this business enterprise do not treat patients. No valid argument exists for a blanket exemption across all of these entities.

Under the current legislativ­e scheme, medical-school lectures are exempt from CCL-holders’ protection, but Fayettevil­le’s engineerin­g classes aren’t. This special privilege puts in danger students, nurses, interns, residents, and many others. For shame.

It takes little imaginatio­n to deduce that gated-community Joe-Sixpack-reviling medical administra­tors sought to further extend their general exclusion of pistol packers from their environs at the expense of the public’s well-being. Hard-working Arkansans without the privileges of drivers and entrance codes deserve better.

As someone who lives in Little Rock—the murder capital of the state and currently one of the most dangerous cities in the country—I look forward to the Legislatur­e cleaning up these leftist loopholes in our gun laws. I’ll feel safer then.

This is your right to know.

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